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Research Assistants / Students / MD-Candidates / Postdocs
Area of Study/Expertise
Healthcare, Multi-omics / Genomics, Bioinformatics, Artificial Intelligence, Cardiovascular Diseases, Precision Medicine

Lab Members

William DeGroat
Senior Research Scientist/Assistant

Rishabh Narayanan
Research Assistant/Student

Elizabeth Peker
Research Scientist/Assistant

Kush Patel
Research Assistant/Student

Sahana Senthikumar
Research Assistant/Student

Dinesh Mendhe, MS
Senior Scientific Software Engineer & Bioinformatician


Habiba Abdelhalim, BS, Senior Research Assistant/Scientist & Project Manager, 2021/2024.
Star lab member. Participated in several scientfic projects and publications.

Hammad Farooqi, Research Scientist/Student
Project: “AI/ML implementation for predictive analysis”.

Antony Shenouda, Research Scientist/Student
Project: “AI/ML approaches to analyze metabolomics data”.

Joy Xie, Research Scientist/Student (MD)
Project: “AI/ML approaches to analyze metabolomics data”.

Youssef Mourad, Research Scientist/Student (MD)
Project: “AI/ML approaches to analyze metabolomics data”.

Rishabh Patel, Research Scientist/Student
Project: “Multi-modal AI/ML with 3D visualization”.

Alyssa Granito, BS, Research Scientist/Student (MD), 2024/25
Project: “Predictive medicine by analyzing metabolomic data with AI/ML techniques”.

Ishani Mhatre, Research Assistant, 2022/24.
Project: “Functional mutation analysis of impactful genes associated with heart failure”.

Kritika Singh, Research Scientist/Assistant, 2023/24
Project: “Rare disease”.

Sarah Usman, Research Scientist/Assistant, 2023/24
Project: “Rare disease”.

Sophia Duenas, Research Scientist/Assistant, 2023/24
Project: “Investigating relationship between periodontists and CVDs”.

Neev Sheth, Research Scientist/Assistant, 2023/24
Project: “Multimodal AI/ML to identify and investigate genes associated with CVD”.

Zachary McGee, Research Scientist/Student, 2023/24
Project: “Investigating relationship between periodontists and CVDs”.

Karthikeyan Mayilvahanan, Research Scientist, 2023/24.
Project: “Investigating relationship between periodontists and CVDs”.

Aashna Patel, Research Student/Scientist, 2023/24.
Project: Role of GWAS in Understanding Human Genetic Variation.

Oluwaferanmi Abraham Omidiran, Research Student/Scientist, 2023/24.
Project: GWAS advancements to investigate disease associations and biological mechanisms.

Anirudh Pappu, Research Assistant, 2022/24
Project: “Participated in Multiple Projects, including Integrated ACMG-approved genes and ICD codes”.

Raghunandan Wable, Research Assistant, 2022/24
Project: “Participated in Multiple Projects, including Integrated ACMG-approved genes and ICD codes”.

Atharva Harshavardhan Bhusari, Research Scientist/Assistant, 2023/24
Project: “AI/ML pipeline development for biomarkers discovery and disease prediction”

Atharv Jayprakash, Research Scientist, 2023/24.
Project: “Bioinformatics approaches to investigate the relationship between DOC and CVD”.

Oluchi Nwankwo, Research Assistant, 2023/24.
Project: “Bioinformatics approaches to investigate the relationship between DOC and CVD”.

Cynthia Venkatesan, Research Assistant, 2022/23.
Project: “Multi-omics approaches to identify and investigate genes associated with heart failure”.

Vignesh Venkat, Research Assistant, 2021/23.
Project: “AI/ML using gene expression data for predicting cardiovascular disease with high accuracy”.

Achuth Suresh Nair, Research Assistant, 2021/23.
Project: “Participated in Multiple Bioinformatics, Genomics and Precision Medicine Project”.

Rachel-Mae Hunter, Research Assistant, 2023.
Project: “Role of GWAS and polygenic risk score using big data for personalized”.

Widnie Pierre-Louis, Research Assistant, 2022/23.
Project, “Intelligent and integrative genomics data analysis with machine learning algorithms for precision medicine”.

Shreya Ashok, BS. Research Scientist, 2021/22.
Project, “Functional/non-functional mutation analysis of CVD genes among high-risk Heart Failure patients.”

Asude Berber, BS. Research Scientist, 2021/22.
Project, “Investigate CVD genes with associated phenotypes among Atrial Fibrillation patients.”

Sreya Vadapalli, BS/B.Tech. Research Assistant, 2021/22.
Project, “AI & ML approaches using gene expression and variant data for personalized medicine.”

Shreyas Bolla, Research Student, 2022
Project, “Learning AI/ML and bioinformatics approaches for genomics and precision medicine.”

Sahil Mittal, Research Student, 2022
Project, “Learning AI/ML and bioinformatics approaches for genomics and precision medicine.”

Kush K. Patel, MD Student, 2022.
Project, “Exploring Genome Wide Association Studies for Precision Medicine”.

Mudassir Lodi, PhD Student, 2021/22.
Project, “Implementing Clinical-Genomics in Precision Medicine for CVDs.”

Rihi Jain, Research Student, 2021/22.
Project, “Learning role of AI, Healthcare, and Clinical-Genomics approaches in Precision Medicine.”

Eduard Gibert Renart, PhD. Postdoctoral Researcher, 2020/21.
Project, “Scientific solutions development for WGS and RNA-seq driven data processing and visualization”.

Nicholas Persaud, AB, MD Student- M2, 2021.
Project, “Investigating functional and nonfunctional mutations in known human genes in high-risk CVD-population”.

Riaad Persaud, BS, MD Student- M2, 2021.
Project, “Investigating Metabolomics for Identifying Potential Biomarkers of Inflammatory Bowel Disease”.

Samay Nandwana, Research Student, 2021.
Project, “Integrating clinical-diagnosis and genetics codes for Precision Medicine”.

Deepshikha Mishra, PhD. Postdoctoral Researcher, 2021.
Project, “Investigating applications of AI/ML in genomics for precision medicine”.

Jinhong Dong, MD/PhD Candidate- M2, 2020.
Project, “Investigating genetic and diagnostic clinical data of patients suffering with any cardiovascular diseases”.

Ruoyun Xiong, PhD student, 2018/19.
Project, “Analyzing genes-disease complexes and their clinical relationships for Precision Medicine”.

Affrin Ahmed, PhD student, 2019.
Project, “Structural Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) data analysis, security and de-identification of PHI for Precision Medicine”.

Justin Thomas Pranulis, MS; Research student, 2018.
Project, “Applying MSB at PacBio Sequenced Microbiome-Amplicon Data Embedding Variable Oligonucleotide Combinations”.

Khalid Mohamed, MS; Research student, 2018/19.
Project, “Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Data Analytics and Precision Medicine”.

Samuel Asamoah, BS; Research student, 2019.
Project, “Smart mobile systems development for monitoring and helping patients suffering with critical diseases”.

Khushbu Patel, BS; Research student and assistant, 2018/19.
Project, “Exploring Commercial and Academic Healthcare Systems To Facilitate Practice Transformation”.