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Xiaoran Chen

I initially joined Rutgers Seismology Group in September 2015 as a PhD student and then graduated in 2020. During my PhD, my research focused on understanding seismic anisotropy from the perspective of theoretical development and exploring the upper mantle anisotropic structures beneath the Superior craton and the Yilgarn craton to set constraints to the craton formation processes. I also developed a Matlab software package ANIMATIVITY open source on Github ( to simulate seismic wave propagation through multi-layered anisotropic media.

After my PhD, I continued as a Postdoc with the Rutgers Seismology Group in November 2020. My research will continue on my PhD work on the topic of formation and evolution of Earth’s cratons, in which I will computations of elastic wave propagation in anisotropic media to explore plausible structures and conditions beneath these regions.


  • Shear Wave Splitting Beneath Eastern North American Continent: Evidence for a Multilayered and Laterally Variable Anisotropic Structure, Xiaoran Chen, Yiran Li, Vadim Levin, 08/02/2018

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