Traumatic Stress & Coping Resources
Responses to Stress Questionnaire (RSQ)
The Responses to Stress Questionnaire (RSQ) is a free assessment tool from the Stress and Coping Research Lab at Vanderbilt University. The RSQ measures the sources of stress and reliance on different coping strategies. There are different versions of the questionnaire by respondent type (e.g., adult, child) and stressor (e.g., interpersonal stress, financial problems). Each questionnaire has two sections, identifying the specific stressors and coping strategies: positive (e.g., seeking support, acceptance) and negative (e.g., avoidance, aggression). It does not need to be scored and can be helpful for the identification of strengths and areas for support.
PTSD Coach Online
The PTSD Coach Online is a resource to support positive coping with daily stress and trauma reminders for people with traumatic stress. It is a resource from the National Center for PTSD from the VA. Using the PTSD Coach is free and does not require a PTSD diagnosis or that someone is a veteran. Resources include support for people wanting to work on avoidance of stressful situations, anger, or hopelessness. Resources include online tools or PDF handouts to work through skills such as learning to problem solve. Additionally, there is a PTSD Coach App available in English or Spanish.
Learn to Problem Solve Worksheet
Coping with stress through avoidance or aggression can lead to adverse outcomes. The Learn to Problem Solve worksheet supports building problem-solving to support more positive coping . The worksheet scaffolds problem solving into five steps (defining the problem, identifying the barriers, thinking of solutions, making a decision, and a success plan). With the worksheet, you can model and support the process of problem-solving. The worksheet is a resource from the National Center for PTSDs PTSD Coach. People do not need to have experienced trauma or have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to use this resource.
Practice Being Assertive Worksheet
Coping with stress through avoidance or aggression can lead to adverse outcomes. The Practice Being Assertive worksheet supports building assertiveness skills that can help adaptive coping. The worksheet scaffolds assertiveness into five steps (defining the problem, evaluating your rights, deciding what you want and what to say, and choosing a time). With the worksheet, you can model and support the process of problem-solving. The worksheet is a resource from the National Center for PTSDs PTSD Coach. People do not need to have experienced trauma or have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to use this resource.