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We conduct research that centers resilience, equity, and community mental health in three areas:

  1. Context, Culture, and Mental Health
  2. Help-Seeking Processes
  3. Perinatal Mental Health and Relational Support

Undergraduate students interested in learning with and being mentored by Dr. Nelson generally intend on applying to graduate programs in clinical, counseling, and or community psychology and have some connection to the type of research being conducted in this lab (see Areas of Research). Students are expected to commit to one year, regularly attend lab meetings, engage in lab activities, and present at a conference or co-author a manuscript with my support.

Interested Undergraduate and Graduate Students:

  1. Visit the research page of this website to determine how your interests might fit with the work in this lab.
  2. Review the following information on Independent Study Here
  3. Information about the Masters in Psychological Science Graduate Program may be found Here
  4. Complete the following form Here