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  1. Ding, X. (2024). Benchmarking and performance progression: Examining the roles of market competition and focus. Journal of Operations Management, 70, 381-340. (FT 50 Journal)
  2. Francis, J., Baveja, A., Ding, X., Bagchi, A., Melamed, B., Hill, D. (2023). Navigating future shifts in healthcare service delivery: Three insights from supply chain management. Management and Business Review, collaboration with Mayo Clinic, 3(4), 28-36.
  3. Wirtz, J., Hofmeister, J., Chew, P., Ding, X. (2023). Cost-effective service excellence: Revisiting the role of digital service technology and operations management approaches. Service Industries Journal, 43 (15-16), 1173-1196. Best paper winner of the “AIRSI2023 The Metaverse Conference”.
  4. Peng, D. X., Ye, Y., Ding, X., Chandrasekaran, A. (2023). The impact of nurse staffing on turnover and quality: An empirical examination of nursing care within hospital units, Journal of Operations Management, 69, 1124-1152. (FT 50 Journal)
  5. Peng, D. X., Ye, Y., Fan, R., Ding, X., Chandrasekaran, A. (2022). Cost-quality tradeoff in nurse staffing: An exploration of US hospitals facing market competition. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 42(5), 577-602.
  6. Ding, X., Peng, X. (2022). The impact of electronic medical records on the process of care: Alignment with complexity and clinical focus, Decision Sciences, 53(2), 348-389.
  7. Peng, X., Ye, Y., Feng, B., Ding, X., Heim, G. (2020). Impacts of hospital complexity on patient-level experiential quality: Mitigating roles of information technology. Decision Sciences, 51(3), 500-541. Winner of the “Best Interdisciplinary Paper Award”, DSI, 2017.
  8. Ding, X., Peng, X., Heim, G., Jordan, V. (2020), Service mix, market competition, and cost efficiency: A longitudinal study of US hospitals, Journal of Operations Management, 66(1-2), 176-198. Winner of the “New Jersey Bright Idea Award”, 2021 (FT 50 Journal)
  9. Gupta, V., Ding, X., Testa, T. (2019), A case study of drivers, barriers, and company size associated with C-TPAT program, Supply Chain Forum, 20(4), 332-347.
  10. Lu, G., Ding, X., Peng, X., and Chuang, H. (2018), Addressing endogeneity in OM research: Recent developments, common problems, and directions for future research, Journal of Operations Management, 64, 53-64. (FT 50 Journal)
  11. Ding, X. (2015), The impact of service design and process management on clinical quality: An exploration of synergistic effects, Journal of Operations Management, 36(2), 103-114. (FT 50 Journal)
  12. Ding, X. (2014), The effect of experience, ownership and focus on productive efficiency: A longitudinal study of U.S. hospitals, Journal of Operations Management, 32(1), 1-14. (FT 50 Journal)
  13. Ding, H. & Ding, X. (2013), 360-degree rhetorical analysis of job hunting: A four-part, multimodal project, Business Communication Quarterly, 76(2), 239-248.
  14. Ng, I., Ding, X., & Yip, N. (2013), Outcome-based contracts as new business model: The role of partnership and value-driven relational assets, Industrial Marketing Management, 42(5), 730-743.
  15. Ding, X., Huang, Y., & Verma, R. (2011), Customer experience in online financial services: A study of behavioral intentions for techno-ready market segments, Journal of Service Management, 22(3), 344-366.
  16. Ding, X. (2011), Clues, flow channels, and cognitive states: An exploratory study of customer experiences with e-brokerage services, Service Science, 3(2), 182-193.  
  17. Ding, X., Hu, P., & Sheng, O. (2011), e-SELFQUAL: A scale for measuring e-service quality in self services, Journal of Business Research, 64(5), 508-515.  
  18. Ding, X., Hu, P., Verma, R., & Wardell, D. (2010), The impact of service system design and flow experience on customer satisfaction in online financial services, Journal of Service Research, 13(1), 96-110.
  19. Ding, H., & Ding, X. (2008), Project management, critical praxis, and process-oriented approach to teamwork, Business Communication Quarterly, 71(4), 456-471.
  20. Ding, X., Verma, R., & Iqbal, Z. (2007), Self-service technology and online financial service choice, International Journal of Service Industry Mgt., 18(3), 246-268.
  21. Ding, X., Wardell, D., & Verma, R. (2006), An assessment of SPC-based approaches for charting student evaluation scores, Decision Science Journal of Innovative Education, 4(2), 259-272.


  1. Goswami, A., Baveja, A., Ding, X., Roberts, F., Melamed, B. An Integrated Framework for Modeling Pharmaceutical Supply Chains With Disruptions and Risk Mitigation, Annals of Operations Research, December 2023.


  1. Ding, X. & Davis, M. (2017), Introduction to the special section on co-creating the customer service experience with high tech and high touch, Service Science, 9(1), 1-2.


  1. Ding, X. (2022), Are tech-savvy users more likely to use technology? An examination of market entry and customer experience. Services Management Handbook, Edward Elgar Publishing.


  1. Ding, X. (2013), Operations Reality Show: An experiential service learning and storytelling project, Decision Line, 44(2), 8-13. Honorable Mention to Decision Science Institute Instructional Innovative Award, 2013.
  2. Long, P., Kovach, J., & Ding, X. (2011), Design for six-sigma case study: Creating an IT change management system for a mid-size accounting firm, International Journal of Engineering, Science, and Technology, 3(7), 56-72.

  1. Peng, X., Ye, Y., Ding, X. Does information technology help improve experiential quality in complex service operations? AOM conference proceeding, November 30, 2017
  2. Ding, X., Peng, X., Deveraj, S. Electronic medical records and hospital performance: A longitudinal analysis. AOM conference proceeding, November 30, 2016


  1. Ting, W., Ding, X., Hu, K., Lim, Y., Tiwari, V. The role of standardized configuration in healthcare. In preparation to submit to Manufacturing and Service Operations Management.
  2. Operations strategy and performance tradeoffs. Initial Draft. Target: Manufacturing and Service Operations Management.
  3. Time to procedure and clinical outcome. Data analysis. Target: Journal of Operations Management.
  4. Racial disparity and access to medical care. Data analysis. Target: Production and Operations Management Journal.
  5. AI applications in healthcare. Idea generation. Target: Journal of Operations Management.