Table of Contents
Note: Clicking on Chapter 1 brings you to the proof of the first chapter.
Clicking on any other chapter brings you to an abstract and excerpt from that chapter.
Part 1, Introduction: This Book, Basic Ideas, and The Early Research
Chapter 1. Introduction: How Might Social Beliefs Relate to Social Reality?
Chapter 2. Social Reality is Not Always What it Appears To Be: The Scientific Roots of Research on Interpersonal Expectancies.
Chapter 3. The Once Raging and Still Smoldering Pygmalion Controversy.
Part 2, The Awesome Power of Expectations to Create Reality and Distort Perceptions
Chapter 4. The Extraordinary Power of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies.
Chapter 5. The Extraordinary Power of Expectancies to Bias Perception, Memory, and Information-Seeking.
Part 3, The Less Than Awesome Power of Expectations to Create Reality and Distort Perceptions
Chapter 6. The Less Than Extraordinary Power of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies: Considerations Based on Common Sense, Daily Life, and a Critical Evaluation of the Early Classic Experiments.
Chapter 7. You Better Change Your Expectations Because I Will Not Change (Much) to Fit Your Expectations: Self-Verification as a Limit to Self-FulfillingProphecies.
Chapter 8. The Less Than Awesome Power of Expectations to Distort Information-Seeking
Chapter 9. The Less Than Awesome Power of Expectations to Bias Perception, Memory and Judgment
Part 4, Accuracy: Controversies, Criticisms, Criteria, Components, and Cognitive Processes
Chapter 10. Accuracy: Historical, Political, and Conceptual Objections
Chapter 11. Accuracy: Criteria
Chapter 12. Accuracy: Components and Processes
Part 5, The Quest for the Powerful Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Chapter 13. Teacher Expectations: Accuracy and the Quest for the Powerful Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Chapter 14. Do Self-Fulfilling Prophecies Accumulate or Dissipate?
Part 6, Stereotypes
Chapter 15. On the Pervasiveness and Logical Incoherence of Defining Stereotypes as Inaccurate
Chapter 16. What Constitutes Evidence of Stereotype Accuracy?
Chapter 17. Pervasive Stereotype Accuracy
Chapter 18. Stereotypes and Person Perception: Can Judging Individuals on the Basis of Stereotypes Ever Increase Accuracy?
Chapter 19: Stereotypes Have Been Stereotyped!
Part 7, Conclusion
Chapter 20: Important, Interesting and Controversial Work on Accuracy, Bias, and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies that Did Not Fit Elsewhere
Chapter 21: The 90% Full Glass Contests the Scholarly Bias for Bias