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The Free Inquiry Papers.  (R. Maranto, C. Salmon, L. Jussim & S. Satel, editors).  In press.  American Enterprise Institute Press.

The Poisoning of the American Mind. (L. Eppard, J. Mackey & L Jussim, editors).  2024. George Mason University Press.

Research Integrity: Best Practices for the Social and Behavioral Sciences. (L. Jussim, J. A. Krosnick & S. T. Stevens, editors).  Published by Oxford University Press.  Go here for table of contents.

The Politics of Social Psychology (J. T. Crawford and L. Jussim, editors).  2018. Published by Routledge/Taylor&Francis.

Go here for front matter, including table of contents.

Social Belief and Social Reality: Why Accuracy Dominates Bias and Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.  2012. Published by Oxford University Press.

Go: Here for the table of contents, and the proofs of the introductory chapter.

Precis of the book, commentaries, and my reply to commentaries:

Jussim, L. (2017).  Precis of Social Perception and Social Reality.  Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1-65, doi: 10.1017/S0140525X1500062X, e1


Jussim, L. (2024). Diversity is diverse: Social justice reparations and sciencePerspectives on Psychological Science.

Jussim, L., Honeycutt, N., Careem, A., Bork, N., Finkelstein, D., Yanovsky, S. & Finkelstein, J. (2024). The New Book Burners: Academic Tribalism (pp. 227-246). The Tribal Mind and the Psychology of Collectivism, J. Forgas, Ed. New York: Taylor and Francis. Note: This is an edited proof.

Clark, C., Jussim, L., … von Hippel, W. (2023). Prosocial motives underlie scientific censorship by scientists: A perspective and research agenda. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (48), e2301642120.

Abbott, D.,…Jussim, L.,… West, J.D.1 (2023). In defense of merit in scienceJournal of Controversial Ideas, 3(1), 1, doi:10.35995/jci03010001.. 1paper has 29 authors, listed alphabetically.

Covered in the Wall Street Journal, The “Hurtful” Idea of Scientific Merit.  and the New York Times, A Paper that Says Science Should be Impartial was Rejected by Major Journals. You Can’t Make This Up.

Honeycutt, N. & Jussim, L. (2023).  Political bias in the social sciences: A critical, theoretical, and empirical review.  Political bias in the social sciences: A critical, theoretical, and empirical review (pp. 97-146). In Frisby, C.L., Redding, R.E., O’Donohue, W.T., & Lilienfeld, S.O. (Eds.), Ideological and political bias in psychology: Nature, scope and solutions. New York: Springer.

Jussim, L., & Honeycutt, N. (2023). Psychology as science and as propagandaPsychology Learning & Teaching, 14757257231195347.

Corneille, O., …, Jussim, L.,…, Lotter, L.D. (2023). Beware “persuasive communication devices” when writing and reading scientific articles. eLife 12:e88654.. (14 authors, I am 7th).

Fox, N., Honeycutt, N., & Jussim, L. (2022).  Better understanding the population size and stigmatization of psychologists using questionable research practices.  Meta-Psychology, 6.

Clark, C. J., Honeycutt, N. & Jussim, L. (2022). Replicability and the psychology of science. In S. Lilienfeld, A. Masuda, & W. O’Donohue (Eds.), Questionable Research Practices in Psychology. New York: Springer.

Honeycutt N. & Jussim, L. (2021). On the Connection Between Bias and Censorship in Academia. (note: this paper makes some unique points I have never seen elsewhere, but it is for an edited book that seems to have gotten stalled, so I have no idea if/when it will be published — LJ).

Stevens, Jussim, Honeycutt. 2020. Scholarship Suppression: Theoretical Perspectives and Emerging Trends. Societies.

Peters, Honeycutt, De Block, & Jussim, L. (2020).  Ideological homogeneity, hostility, and discrimination in philosophy.  Philosophical Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/09515089.2020.1743257

Honeycutt & Jussim (2020.  A model of political bias in social science researchPsychological Inquiry, 31, 73-85.

Jussim, Krosnick, Stevens, & Anglin (2019). A social psychological model of scientific practices: Explaining research practices and outlining the potential for successful reforms. Psychologica Belgica, 59, 353-372. DOI:

Jussim, Stevens, Honeycutt, Anglin, & Fox (2019).  Scientific Gullibility.  In J. Forgas and R. Baumeister, The social psychology of gullibility (pp. 289-303).  New York: Routledge.  (note: this is a proof, with a small number of notes and corrections).

Anglin & Jussim (2017).  Science and politics: Do people support the conduct and dissemination of politicized research?  Journal of Social and Political Psychology, Vol. 5(1), 142–172, doi:10.5964/jspp.v5i1.427.

Jussim, Crawford, Anglin, Stevens & Duarte. (2016).  Interpretations and methods: Towards a more effectively self-correcting social psychology.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Jussim, Crawford, Stevens, & Anglin (2016).  The politics of social psychological science: Distortions in the social psychology of intergroup relations.  In P. Valdesolo and J. Graham (eds), Claremont Symposium on Social Psychology and Politics.

Jussim, Crawford, Stevens, Anglin, & Duarte (2016).Do high moral purposes undermine scientific integrity? In J. Forgas, P. van Lange, & L. Jussim (eds), The Sydney Symposium on the Social Psychology of Morality. NY: Taylor & Francis.

Duarte, Crawford, Stern, Haidt, Jussim, & Tetlock (2015).  Political diversity will improve social psychological science.  Behavioral and Brain Sciences. (includes target article, commentaries, and our reply).

Crawford, Duarte, Haidt, Jussim, Stern, & Tetlock (2015). It may be harder than we thought, but political diversity will (still) improve social psychological science.  Behavioral and Brain Sciences. (Link above, to Duarte et al, also includes this paper).

Jussim, Crawford, Anglin, & Stevens (2015).  Ideological bias in social psychological research.  In J. Forgas, K. Fiedler, & W. Crano (eds), Sydney Symposium on Social Psychology and Politics.  NY: Taylor & Francis.

Jussim, Krosnick, Vazire, Stevens, & Anglin (2015).  Toward robust scientific research methods in the United States.  An overview invited by John Holdren, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology policy.

Jussim, L. (2012).  Liberal privilege in academic psychology, Perspectives on Psychological Science, 7, 504-507.


Jussim, L., Yanovsky, S., Careem, A., Honeycutt, N. & Finkelstein, D. (In press).  A critical analysis of scientifically pervasive claims about stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination.  To appear in T. Nelson (Editor), Handbook of Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination, third edition. New York: Routledge.

Jussim, L., Yanovsky, S., Careem, A., Honeycutt, N. & Finkelstein, D. (In press). A critical analysis of scientifically pervasive claims about stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination.  To appear in T. Nelson (Editor), Handbook of Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination, third edition.  New York: Routledge.

Jussim, L., Careem, A., Goldberg, Z., Honeycutt, N. & Stevens. S. (in press). IAT scores, racial gaps, and scientific gaps.  To appear in Krosnick, J.A., Stark, T. H & Scott, A.L. (Eds.). The Future of Research on Implicit Bias.  New York: Cambridge University Press.

Cantu, E. & Jussim, L (2022).  Microaggressions, questionable science, and free speech.  Texas Law Review.

Jussim, L., Careem, A., Honeycutt, N., Stevens, S. T. (2020).  Do IAT scores explain racial inequality? In J. Forgas, W. D. Crano & K. Fiedler (Eds), Applications of social psychology: How social psychology can contribute to the solution of real-world problems.  The Sydney Symposium on Social Psychology: Applied Social Psychology. New York: Routledge. (Note, this is the manuscript version; for now, the final version is only available in the book).


Rubinstein, R. S., Marshall, M., Jussim, L., & Honeycutt, N. (2023). Effects of individuating information on implicit person perception are largely consistent across individual differences and two types of target groups. Current Research in Behavioral Sciences4, 100090.

Rubinstein, R. S., Jussim, L., Loh, B. & Buraus, M. (2022). A theory of reliance on individuating information and stereotypes in implicit judgments of individuals and social groups.  Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology.

Rubinstein, R. S., Jussim, L., Bock, J. E. & Loh, B. (2021)Unobservable stereotypes are more malleable than observable stereotypes in implicit person perception.  Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology. (Manuscript version).

Rubinstein, R. S., & Jussim, L. (2019). Stimulus pairing and statement target information have equal effects on stereotype‐relevant evaluations of individuals. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology3(4), 231-249.

Rubinstein, R., Jussim, L., & Stevens, S. T. (2018).  Reliance on individuating information and stereotypes in implicit and explicit person perception.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 75, 54-70.


Jussim, L., Stevens, S. T., & Honeycutt, N. (in press).  The accuracy of stereotypes about personality.  To appear in The Handbook of Accurate Personality Judgment (T. Letzring & J. Spain, editors), New York: Oxford University Press.

Jussim, L., Stevens, S. T., & Honeycutt, N. (2019).  The accuracy of demographic stereotypes.  Journal of South China Normal University, May 2019, 5-18 [in Chinese]. (Click here for the English version).

Jussim, L., Stevens, S. T. & Honeycutt, N.  (2018). Unasked questions about stereotype accuracy.  Archives of Scientific Psychology, 6, 214-229.

Jussim, L., Crawford, J.T., Anglin, S. M., Chambers, J., Stevens, S. T., & Cohen, F.  (2016).  Stereotype accuracy: One of the largest relationships and most replicable effects in all of social psychology.  In T. Nelson (ed.), Handbook of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination (2nd ed), pp. 31-63.  Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Jussim, L., Crawford, J.T., & Rubinstein, R. S. (2015).  Stereotype (in)accuracy in perceptions of groups and individuals.  Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24, 490-497.

Jussim, L., Cain, T., Crawford, J., Harber, K., & Cohen, F.  (2009). The unbearable accuracy of stereotypes. Pp. 199-227 in T. Nelson (ed.),  Handbook of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. (Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum).

Jussim, L., McCauley, C. R., & Lee, Y. T.  (1995). Why study stereotype accuracy and inaccuracy?  In Lee, Y.T., Jussim, L., McCauley, C. R. (eds.), Stereotype accuracy: Toward appreciating group differences (pp. 3-28).  Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Lee, Y. T., Jussim, L., & McCauley, C. R.  (Eds.).  Stereotype accuracy: Toward appreciating group differences.  Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

My book (link at top of page), and the two Behavioral and Brain Sciences articles (links next section) also address stereotype accuracy.


See links to Social Perception and Social Reality, and BBS Precis, at top of page.

Madon, S., Jussim, L., Guyll, M., Nofziger, H., Salib, E., Willard, J., & Scherr, K. C. (2018). The accumulation of stereotype-based self-fulfilling prophecies.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115, 825-844.

Cohen, F., Jussim, L., Harber, K., & Bhasin, G. (2009). Modern anti-Semitism and anti-Israeli Attitudes.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97, 290-306. (The version available here also includes supplemental material rejected  by JPSP — modern political cartoons from mainstream media in the Mideast, Europe, and the U.S. depicting Israel and Israeli leaders in a vicious and revolting manner reminiscent of Nazi-era propaganda.)

Jussim, L., Robustelli, S. & Cain, T. (2009). Teacher expectations and self-fulfilling prophecies.  Pp. 349-380 in Handbook of Motivation at School, A. Wigfield and K. Wentzel (eds).  Erlbaum: Mahwah, NJ.

Jussim, L. (2005). Accuracy: Criticisms, controversies, criteria, components, and cognitive processes.  Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 37, 1-93.

Jussim, L., Harber, K. D., Crawford, J. T., Cain, T. R., Cohen, F. (2005). Social reality makes the social mind: Self-fulfilling prophecy, stereotypes, bias, and accuracy. Interaction Studies: Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems, 6, 85-102.

Jussim, L., & Harber, K. D. (2005). Teacher Expectations and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies: Knowns and Unknowns, Resolved and Unresolved Controversies.  Personality and Social Psychology Review, 9, 131-155.

Jussim, L., Eccles, J., & Madon, S. J.(1996).  Social perception, social stereotypes, and teacher expectations: Accuracy and the quest for the powerful self-fulfilling prophecy.  Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 29, 281-388.   Part I       Part II     Part III.

Madon, S. J.,  Jussim, L., Keiper, S., Eccles, J., Smith, A., & Palumbo, P. (1998).  The accuracy and power of sex, social class and ethnic stereotypes: Naturalistic studies in person perception.  Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,  24, 1304-1318. Teachers judge students almost entirely based on their achievement.  Stereotype biases are few and far between (though not quite zero).

Jussim, L. (1991).  Social perception and social reality: A reflection-construction model.  Psychological Review, 98, 54-73.

Jussim, L., Coleman, L., & Lerch, L.(1987). The nature of stereotypes: A comparison and integration of three theories.   Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, 536-546.


A short preliminary report on how to dramatically reduce grandmother death resulting from exams

A short statement about intellectual imperialism within social psychology.


Essays, Blogs, Editorials

New blog site:

Old blog site:

Haidt, J., & Jussim, L. (February, 2016).  Psychological science and viewpoint diversity.   Presidential Column of The APS Observer, Association for Psychology Science

Haidt, J., & Jussim, L. (May 6, 2016). Hard truths about race on campus.  The Wall Street Journal.

Jussim, L. (August, 2016).  Truth in stereotypes.  Aeon.