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Poster Presenting CAS Archives to New Jersey Librarians

New Jersey librarians gathered for the second time in the Revel Resort Hotel in Atlantic City for their annual conference. The Center was represented by three information assistants (Christine Bariahtaris, Scott Goldstein, and Jonathan Torres), as well as Bill Bejarano, information specialist and Judit Ward, librarian.

Our poster, Singing your own praises: Virtual exhibit presents the Birth of Alcohol Studies, described the library’s preparations to celebrate three major anniversaries at the Center by collecting artifacts for an on-site permanent exhibit as well as a digital archive.

The poster addressed the challenges of selection, inclusion, and the creation of the physical and digital exhibits, including some technological aspects of digitization. Working closely with CAS faculty, the library wishes to help analyze and translate the Center’s identity into modern terms and redefine the “brand” with displays boasting the Center’s major achievements.


–Originally published in the October 2013 issue of the CAS Information Services Newsletter.