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Conference Room Update

You may have noticed a new addition to the ever-evolving Conference Room (200), as two eye-catching Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs posters have been hung in the corner dedicated to the Center’s publication division. The posters were imagined and designed by Paul Candon and our colleague (and former professional graphic designer) Debbie Fanslow.

postersOne poster depicts the JSAD’s newly stylized cover design, which was conceived and implemented by Paul and James Nguyen, and released starting with the January 2014 issue. The other is of volume 1 of the Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol from 1940, opened to the first page of the first article, with a promotional pen strategically laid on top, juxtaposing the old with the new.

These will be the last changes to the room before it becomes a proper “Smart Classroom”. In addition to the new features and smart technology that will be added to the room, another major change is the departure of our beloved orange chairs. The chairs were up for grabs, and the library (being obliged to preserve historical materials) made a claim on one, complete with Dr. Pandina’s signature.







–Originally published in the November 2014 issue of the CAS Information Services Newsletter.