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Discovering Raymond McCarthy

Throughout the past year, the MLIS graduate students continue to develop the CAS Library archives. During this process, they have added Raymond McCarthy to the list of names of scholars who have made a profound impact on the Center of Alcohol Studies.

McCarthy was first associated with the Center of Alcohol Studies in 1944. During his time at the Center he was a professor at both Rutgers and Yale. Furthermore, he became an associate director of the CAS Summer School at Rutgers. In addition, McCarthy was an advocate for group therapeutic treatments to alcoholism and held leadership positions in organizations, including the alcohol division of the departments of public health of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York.

Tcovert arthe Raymond McCarthy Memorial Collection of the Alcohol Research Literature comprises roughly 12,500 abstracts and full-text copies that are incorporated in the Classified Abstract Archive of the Alcohol Archive. A memorial fund was created and has enabled the collection to be housed at the CAS Library.

The Library will have a commemorative webpage for the forthcoming 75th anniversary of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs published at CAS.

The Library will display McCarthy’s autobiographical profile, including a timeline, various fascinating facts, and a full list of his publications.

–Originally published in the May 2013 issue of the CAS Information Services Newsletter