Academic Articles
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
“Hindu Classical Yoga: Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras” Contemplative Literature: A Comparative Anthology on Meditation and Contemplative Prayer, ed Louis Komjathy. New York: SUNY Press (2015).
“The Yoga Tradition’s Arguments Against Buddhism” in Felicitation Volume for Ted Riccardi In Suvaruvadadesika: festschrift for Theodore Riccardi Eds, Lewis, T & McCoy Owens, B Kathmandu: Himal, 2104, 165-184.
“Agency in Samkhya and Yoga” in Free Will and Agency in Classical Indian Philosophy (New York: Oxford University Press). Co-edited with Matthew Dasti, 2013.
“Strategies of Conversion: The Emergence of Vegetarianism in Post-Vedic India” in A Communion of Subjects (194-203) Eds Waldau, P & Patton, K New York: Columbia University Press, 2006.
“‘Somewhere in Asia and No More,’ Response to ‘Indigenous Indo-Aryans and the Rigveda’ by Kazanas.” Journal of Indo-European Studies 30.3-4 (2003): 341-353.
“Hare Krishna.” In Religion and American Cultures: An Encyclopedia of Traditions, Diversity and Popular Expression (110-113). Eds. L. Leon & G. Laderman. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, (2003).
“The Date and Provenance of the Bhagavata Purana.” Journal of Vaishnava Studies 11:1 Fall (2002): 51-80.
“Il Dibattito Sulle Origini della Civilta Indiana” (The Debate over the Origins of Indian Civilization). In Cultural Studies e Tradizioni intellettuali: tra India ed Europa (333-350). Ed. F. Squarcini (Milano: Mimesis, 2002).
“Disput um die Vergangenheit. Indoarische Ursprunge und Moderner Nationalistischer Diskurs” (The Indo-Aryan Invasion Debate and the Politics of Identity). In ‘Arier’ und Dravidien (206-231). Eds M. Bergunder & R.P. Das (Halle: Verlag der Franckeschen Stiftungen, 2002).
“The Indo-Aryan Invasion Debate: The Logic of the Response.” Proceedings from the 10th Annual Indo-European Conference at UCLA. Monograph Series 32 (1998): 205-228.
“The Metaphysical Logic of the Siddhis, Mystic Powers, in Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtra.” Journal of Dharma Studies. 3 (2020): 3–15.
Other Articles
“The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.” verses III & IV Namarupa: Categories of Indian Thought Winter (2004): 36-37.
“The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.” verses V-VII Namarupa: Categories of Indian Thought Spring (2007): 8284-38.
“Krishna’s Lila and the practice of Bhakti Yoga in the Bhagavata Purana.” verses V-VII Namarupa: Categories of Indian Thought Spring Fall 2006 – Spring 2007: 42-49.
“Inside the Yoga Tradition.” Integral Yoga Magazine Winter 2007: 18-20.
“Inside the Bhagavad Gita.” Integral Yoga Magazine Spring 2007:10-12.
“Inside the Vedanta Sutras.” Integral Yoga Magazine Fall 2007: 10-13.