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Undergraduate Research Assistant
Area of Study/Expertise
Major in Psychology with a Minor in Cognitive Neuroscience

Taina Figueroa

Research Assistant

My name is Taina. I’m super excited to be a Research Assistant in the MC2 lab! This lab aligns with my research interests, psychology of learning and cognitive psychology. I am also interested in research topics of developmental, abnormal, and social psychology. I major in Psychology and minor in Cognitive Neuroscience. I love to sing and write poems. I haven’t tried songwriting, but I will in the near future! I was able to perform one of my writing pieces in a Writers @ Newark event in the Halsey building. Hopefully in the future I’ll have poetry or mental health books published. I am Flourish-Figueroa, as I chase moments that help me grow and flourish!

Superpower: Flourish Figueroa

MC2 Member: Fall 2023 – Spring 2024