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Depending on the type of service, either Ximena Dilizia or Christopher Delgado will be processing your requests.

Only for guests not employed by Rutgers University
: The Guest Hire Form below is the only form you will need to fill out.

Here is what you will need to successfully fill out this form:

  1. Who is processing this form?
    • Opera and all Ensemble forms will be processed by Christopher Delgado
    • All other forms will be processed by Ximena Dilizia
  2. What account is being charged?
  3. Legal Name of Guest
  4. Email Address of Guest
  5. Phone Number of Guest
  6. Start date of work
  7. End date of work
  8. A brief description of the guest’s activities and where they will be performed
    • Please include all rehearsal/performance dates if applicable

Here is what your guest will receive:

  1. All guests will receive a pre-filled Independent Contractor Form (ICED) that they must review for accuracy, sign, and return before the payment process can begin.
  2. All guests will receive a sample Invoice that they can use or they can supply their own Invoice.  An invoice is necessary for the payment process.
  3. If your guest is not in the Rutgers University System, a New Vendor Registration invitation to Payment Works will be sent to them.  Payment Works acts as a W-9 and once the artist completes the form, they are automatically added to the Rutgers University system.  The Vendor will upload the required documents the University needs to set up suppliers in the system.

Please be aware that Rutgers University standard payment terms are 45 days after the date of service.

Please submit all forms 45-days prior to your event.

If you need to hire a guest, please use this form:
Guest Hire Form


INVOICE INFORMATION: This information will be sent to each Guest Artist.  Invoice submissions must come from the Guest Artist.

Invoices submitted to must have the following:

  1. Reference a valid Rutgers University purchase order. Invoices submitted without a valid purchase order will not be processed.
  2. Be billed to Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
  3. Have a unique invoice number and invoice date. Duplicate invoice numbers will not be accepted.
  4. Rutgers ordering and ship-to contact information.
  5. If taxable and non-taxable items are included on same invoice, separate the total taxable and total non-taxable amounts (preferred).
  6. Single email attachments (preferred).

File must be one of the following file types: .PDF, .DOC/.DOCX, .TIF/.TIFF or .JPEG/.JPG.

Additional payment for PTL’s or other artists employed by Rutgers University:  If your guest artist is a paid employee of Rutgers University, you do not need to fill out a Guest Hire Form.  If this applies to you and it is an ensemble request, please email Christopher Delgado (  For all other requests, please email Ximena Dilizia (  Please submit all forms 60-days prior to your event.  In your email provide:

  • Employee Name
  • Date
  • Location
  • Brief Description of Service
  • Total Amount
  • Account/Project Number to be charged