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Aronson Lab at the Annual Ecological Society of America Meeting 2023

Members of the Aronson Lab – Dr. Myla Aronson, Smanatha Gigliotti, and Evan Joo – presented works at the annual ESA meeting in Portland! Click the links below to read the abstracts.*The ones marked in bold were presented by each member as the presenting author.

M.F.J. Aronson

  1. URBIO (International Network for Urban Biodiversity and Design) as an important tool for protecting and reinforcing biodiversity in cities and towns
  2. COS 46-2 – Forest patches in urban and agricultural landscapes have lower tree diversity, more non-native trees, and altered forest structure across cities and ecoregions
  3. COS 92-3 – From yards to cities: scaling up management for biodiversity conservation
  4. COS 138-4 – Beyond Accessibility: Inequity among socio-demographic groups in park access, amenities, and ecosystem service benefits
  5. COS 45-3 – Socio-Environmental Drivers of Human-Nature Interaction in Urban Green Spaces : A case of New York City

H.E. Joo

  1. COS 45-3 – Socio-Environmental Drivers of Human-Nature Interaction in Urban Green Spaces : A case of New York City
  2. COS 138-4 – Beyond Accessibility: Inequity among socio-demographic groups in park access, amenities, and ecosystem service benefits


S. Gigliotti

  1. COS 182-3 – The effects of pre-planting treatment strategies on understory vegetation in urban forest patches