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ABAI 2023- Pediatric Feeding Disorders Intensive Program

The 49th annual Applied Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) conference was filled with presentations, posters, and discussions from the CSH-RUCARES staff in both the Severe Behavior Program and the Pediatric Feeding Disorders Intensive Program.

Check out all the interesting research projects that were shared during the conference from the Pediatric Feeding Disorders Intensive Program’s team!:

Dr. Kathryn Peterson, BCBA-D: Discussant: Dr. Kate Peterson served as the discussant for the symposium titled, “Social Validity of Interventions and Outcomes in the Treatment of Pediatric Feeding Disorders”.

Chris Engler, BCBA: Symposium: Chris presented in the symposium, “Condiments to Keep On Hand: Considerations and Enhancements for Escape Extinction With Pediatric Feeding Disorders” with a presentation titled, Desirable and Undesirable Response Covariation During Early Stages of Treatment. In the current study, we assessed response covariation of both desired and undesired behavior during extinction-based treatment of inappropriate mealtime behavior. We analyzed the data of 60 children with food refusal, liquid refusal, or both, resulting in 90 data sets.

Casey Toutoungi, BCBA: Symposium: Casey presented in the symposium, “Recent Advancements in the Use of Pretreatment Assessments and Antecedent Modifications in the Treatment of Feeding Disorders” with a presentation titled, Antecedent and Reinforcement-Based Interventions for Children with Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. In the current study, we conducted a reinforcement and parametric analysis to determine what environmental events or variables might reinforce appropriate feeding behavior, instead of a more traditional functional analysis for two children with ARFID. Based on the results of these assessments, we developed treatments to increase acceptance and consumption of target foods and liquids.