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September 6th, 2024

Where – Douglass Student Center, Rutgers University

When – 8am-4pm on September 6th, 2024

The New Jersey Autism Center of Excellence (NJACE), in collaboration with RUCARES, is hosting an annual conference. This conference aims to bring together leading local and national researchers and physicians in the field of autism and related areas. The conferences’ agenda will include a variety of presentations, panel discussions and workshops on timely and engaging topics in autism that capture the diverse interests and expertise of the attendees and broader research and practice communities. Continuing education units will be available in a variety of fields.


Registration will be free for the first 50 students. Use the link below to be one of the first 50 students to sign up and get free registration!

For the remainder of attendees, student registration will be $20 and general registration will be $30. All attendees must register their car in order to access for free parking for this event.

General Registration

Student Registration


Poster Session

Students and researchers in the field of autism are invited to participate in our poster session. In order to apply to present a poster, please complete and send the Poster Session Application form to by August 23rd, 2024.

See who’s presenting at!