WeatherWatcher TV studio – We have a state-of-the-art television studio where student produce multiple daily weather forecasts. Students can take turns as talent and producer, and produce reels for future jobs. The forecasts are broadcast daily on RU-tv and on the WeatherWatcher Facebook Page.
WeatherWatcher Living Learning Community – A partnership between Rutgers Meteorology Program and RU-tv, the WeatherWatcher Living-Learning Community gives students the chance to live together and deliver the daily campus forecast, while learning meteorology and broadcasting.

Rutgers Photochemical Assessment Monitoring (PAM) Site – with equipment to measure pollutants in the atmosphere, as well as upper and lower atmospheric conditions, including upward and downward shortwave and longwave radiation, and sensible and latent heat fluxes. It is used for monitoring and teaching.

Rutgers Gardens weather observing station – see current observations on the Rutgers Weather Center webpage, along with radar and satellite observations and forecasts.
Storm Tracker 4 Weather Radar – operated by WNBC Channel 4 in New York, but located on our campus and available to us for research and teaching. Here are images from the installation of the radar on November 17, 2016, including a visit by Janice Huff, lead forecaster at WNBC.