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We’re recruiting!

We’re looking for driven undergraduate and graduate students to join our lab. Apply now!

The SPAN lab at Rutgers University, Newark seeks to answer the question of why people respond differently to stress. Stress is ubiquitous – we all experience it on a day to day basis. But how we respond can vary greatly and these differences have implications for our long-term health and well-being. In the SPAN lab, we utilize a multilevel integrative approach, employing theoretical perspectives and methodological techniques across fields, including social neuroscience, developmental psychology, psychophysiology, neuroendocrinology, and genetics, to examine the mechanisms underlying these differences in stress response. The broader goal of this work is to inform more effective and targeted interventions. We take a life-span approach to this work, but are especially interested in stress occurring in early childhood as this is a period of rapid neural and psychological development when stress can have substantial impacts.

Recent News

Rutgers Day 2024

Rutgers Day 2024 was a huge success! Thank you to all the Grad students and RA’s from MC2, SPAN, and CSC for coming to help out! As well as, Rosalina, … Read More

LSC Family Day

The SPAN Lab, MC2 Lab, and Child Study Center had a wonderful time at the LSC Family Day as part of their Week of the Young Child event.

SPAN lab attends SANS2024!

Congratulations to our graduate student, Mary Mousa, on her first SANS poster! She presented her work examining loneliness, resting parasympathetic activity, and emotional decision making. So much fun!

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