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Center of Alcohol Studies Archives Project Update

screenshotAs stated in the last two newsletters, we at the library are continuing work on the digital archives and are adding more material. The archives are composed of three main sections: CAS Publications, Notable People, and the Summer School. Publications covers everything from the Alco-Calculator and The Classics of Alcohol Literature to monographs and pamphlets published. It aims to provide a clear example of the impact the Center has had on the field of alcohol studies over the years.

Notable People includes researchers such as Mark Keller and Howard W. Haggard as well as lesser known figures such as Vera Efron and Yandell Henderson. A biography and comprehensive bibliography is available for each of the researchers. While some did not work at the Center while it has been hosted by Rutgers, their influence on the library collection and in the field of alcohol studies makes them important historical figures.

The Summer School provides both a detailed history of the program as well as up-to-date information on current sessions. Other information included on the site includes references to the different editors who have contributed to the various incarnations of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. The site is expected to be launched to the public by the 75th anniversary of the Journal of Studies of Alcohol and Drugs. Stay tuned for more in the near future.


–Originally published in the September 2012 issue of the CAS Information Services Newsletter, links have been updated and adapted for current site