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Current PhD students: Jaeyun Bae, Touseef Haider.

Research supervision: I do research projects with students and postdocs. If you are a student interested in a topology, geometry, knot theory or computational topology project, please email me. It can be theoretical or involve programming, depending on your interests. 


Here are the evaluations from my most recent graduate course at Rutgers, my most recent low division undergraduate course for math majors at Rutgers, most recent higher division undergraduate course for math majors at Rutgers, and an undergraduate course at UC Davis (higher division).

Recent courses at Rutgers-Newark

Spring 2023: Probability and Statistics, see Canvas website for course materials

Fall 2022: Undergraduate Math Seminar. Syllabus.

Advanced Topics in Topology (graduate course). Syllabus.

Spring 2022: Advanced Calculus II. Syllabus.

Fall 2021: Applied Calculus. Syllabus. Other materials are at Canvas website.

Spring 2020: Geometry, topology and complexity of 3-manifolds (graduate course). Syllabus.

Fall 2019: Foundation of Modern Math. Syllabus. All other materials are available at Blackboard website for registered students.

Spring 2017: Undergraduate Seminar in Knot Theory. Syllabus.

Fall 2016: Calculus II. SyllabusAll other materials are available at Blackboard website for registered students.

I have also taught at the University of Tennessee, Louisiana State University, University of California – Davis, and OIST, Japan. For the full list of the courses, see my CV (link at the front page).  

Equity-related work

I have been working with students from underrepresented groups through various programs, e.g. Garden State LS Alliance for Minority Participation, Association for Women in Mathematics, etc. If you are looking for a faculty member for other similar activities, please email me.