Ahmed Abdrabou![]() President aa1129@scarletmail.rutgers.edu Hi! My name is Ahmed and I’m a senior studying BME. I am currently serving as the president of the Rutgers University Biomedical Engineering Society. I hope to bring positive change to the BME department within the next year, and help current and future BME students have the best possible experience. I am also part of Engineers Without Borders, and the Rutgers Rock climbing Team. Outside of class, I enjoy spending time in the outdoors, hiking, kayaking, biking, and playing tennis.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/ahmed-abdrabou-26b67b73 |
Sarah Libring![]() Internal Vice President smlibring@gmail.com Hello! My name is Sarah Libring. I am a senior in Biomedical Engineering and am pursuing a minor in Sociology and a certificate in Packaging Engineering. I am currently researching in the Chemical Engineering department on Computational Nanoparticle Aggregation and have recently started working with Dr. Freeman in the BME department on a his Ligament Scaffold project. In my free time, I’d like to learn to play guitar.
Swetha Kodamasimham![]() External Vice President sk1395@scarletmail.rutgers.edu Hello! My name is Swetha and I am a senior studying biomedical engineering. I have previously worked at the NJ Center of Biomaterials on projects related to polymeric drug delivery systems and biomaterial characterization. I am now in the BS/MS program and recently joined Dr. Sy’s lab working on device characterization for brain drug delivery. Outside of BME, music is my passion. I like to sing and I’ve been playing the violin for over ten years. I love meeting new people so please feel free to reach out to me if you any any questions/concerns about BME or if you have any suggestions on how RU BMES can get involved with other organizations within or outside of Rutgers so we can provide a better experience for all of you
Charles Rabolli ![]() Treasurer cpr71@scarletmail.rutgers.edu Hi! My name is Charles Rabolli and I am a junior in BME with a minor in chemistry. I joined BMES as the class of 2018 representative last year and am currently serving as the Treasurer for the club. In BME, I have been a student in Dr. Francois Berthiaume’s lab since freshman year. Outside of BME, I have conducted research in the Materials Science Engineering department and was President of Busch Suites RHA last year. My goal as Treasurer is to bring in all the knowledge that I have from different experiences to better BMES and to act as a liaison to students of all years in BME. Feel free to contact me with any questions about anything! https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-rabolli-5a200bb6?trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile |
Sandra Pelka![]() Secretary sp1322@scarletmail.rutgers.edu Hello, my name is Sandra Pelka and I am a junior in biomedical engineering with a minor in Spanish. My goal as the secretary of BMES is to serve the BME community to the best of my ability. I want to help organize new events and ways for BME students to become more involved in their major department, both academically and socially. I am also a member of the Rutgers Performing Dance Company and enjoy dancing and listening to music in my free time.
Kishan Patel![]() Fundraising Chair kvpatel414@gmail.com Hi everyone! My name is Kishan Patel, and I am a senior studying Biomedical Engineering. I aspire to go to professional school after graduating from Rutgers to specialize in sports medicine. I currently do clinical research at Hackensack UMC for studies involving colorectal cancer and cholesterol screenings. In my free time I enjoy playing basketball, reading mystery books, and watching superhero TV shows.
Saranya Mallipudi![]() Public Relations Chair sm1577@scarletmail.rutgers.edu I am Saranya Mallipudi, junior in Biomedical Engineering minoring in Physics. I’m interested in biomechanics and devices aspect of the major. For fun, I watch movies or read books. I also like to learn random facts about things, so you can expect me to talk about some pretty random topics at points. Feel free to add me on LinkedIn or Facebook.
Bryan Kwok![]() Webmaster bkk23@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Josh Posen
Engineering Governing Council Representative |
Pooja Maddula
Class of 2017 Representative
Keana Mirmajlesi ![]() Class of 2018 Representative keana.mirmajlesi@rutgers.edu My name is Keana Mirmajlesi and I am the Class of 2018 Representative. I am a junior majoring in biomedical engineering with a minor in psychology. I conduct research with Shreiber Lab in addition to being involved in different organizations on campus. This year I hope that I can help organize events that benefit students in BME. |
Hill Chang![]() Class of 2019 Representative hillzchang@gmail.com I’m majoring in Biomedical Engineering and minoring in Computer Science. I’m currently working on research as a part of Professor David Margolis’s lab in neuroscience, and apart from BMES I am also involved with RUBES and the Rutgers Examiner. Outside of academia, I also spend too much time watching movies and bothering people with my piano or guitar playing. https://www.linkedin.com/in/hill-chang-b5a787113