Message from the Chief of the Division of Radiation Cancer Biology

Professor & Chief Division of Radiation Cancer Biology
The Division of Radiation Cancer Biology (DCB) was established in 2006 as an integral part of the Department of Radiation Oncology at RWJMS. Research has been, and continues to be, central to the division’s mission since inception. The division has a strong commitment to a wide variety of basic and translational research relevant to cancer biology and radiation biology, including DNA damage and repair, oncogenes, tumor suppressors, molecular signaling, cancer metabolism, functional genomics, experimental therapeutics, etc.
The DCB division PIs are faculty members of RWJMS and resident members of the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey (RCINJ), and are highly collaborative. The division consists of seven independent laboratories: Shen, Haffty, Xia, Feng, Hu, Gatza, and Montagna, which are supported by funding from National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Defense (DOD), Breast Cancer Foundation, New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research (NJCCR), American Cancer Society (ACS), New Jersey Health Foundation, etc,.
Research Laboratories in Radiation Cancer Biology
- Zhaohui Feng, PhD, Professor
Interests: Tumor suppressor, p53 signaling, cancer metabolism
- Bruce Haffty, MD Professor & Chair
Interests: Translational studies of breast cancer
- Michael L. Gatza, PhD, Assistant Professor
Interests: Functional genomics, genetics of breast and ovarian cancers
- Wenwei Hu, PhD, Professor
Interests: Gain-of-function p53 mutations, hypoxia, innate immunity ___
- Cristina Montagna, PhD, Professor
Interests: Cancer genetics and genomics, chromosomal instability
- Zhiyuan Shen, MD, PhD, Professor & Chief
Interests: Genomic instability, DNA repair, tumor sensitivity to therapy, ribosome biogenesis
- Bing Xia, PhD, Professor
Interests: DNA repair, cell cycle checkpoint, BRCAness mouse models