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E2 STUDY FLYER (24-25)

Dear Future Partner in Aging Research,

We’d like to tell you about an exciting new study taking place here in New Jersey as well as in Atlanta, Georgia.

The purpose of the E2: Effects of Estradiol on Cognition, Sleep, and Alzheimer’s Disease Risk prevention study is to better understand how fluctuations in sex hormones (such as estrogen) during middle age influence sleep, memory, and future Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) risks in Black/African American and White adults (Women & Men).

This may be especially important in people with a family history of Alzheimer’s disease in their parents or grandparents.

We are looking to collect information from participants with diverse backgrounds, which include:

  • Black/African Americans and White (non-Hispanic) Americans (Women & Men) between 45 and 65 years of age
  • Normal memory and thinking, or a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI)

Study Requirements: 

  • Questionnaires
  • Spinal Fluid Collection(For more information click here to view video)E2 STUDY FLYER (24-25)
  • Blood Sample
  • SleepProfilerTM (Over-night)
  • MRI
  • Cognitive Testing

 If interested, please call us at (551)-276-2474 or email us at