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Week 1

By First-Tuesday Deadline (9/3/24)
  • Submit an Ensemble Scheduling Form by the strict Tuesday deadline (form opens a week before the start of classes)

(Form Closed)

On First-Wednesday

  1. Attend mandatory Jazz Orientation, 2:00pm, RHL104
  2. Complete your Jazz Placement Audition directly after orientation
By First-Weekend

Week 2

On Monday
  • Undergraduate students use emailed SPNs to register their ensemble placements within the Drop/Add deadline. Graduate students contact their academic advisor for any needed SPNs
  • Jazz Majors attend MGSA Orientation, Nicholas Stage, 12:10 pm
  • Ensembles with room assignments may begin meeting
  • Private Lesson schedules may now be confirmed

Week 3

By Monday – Jazz Agreement Forms Deadline

Note: Electronic form submissions are not accepted. For forms requiring instructor signatures, consider that each instructor’s weekly availability to obtain a signature is limited, so plan ahead to meet form deadlines. Paper copies of forms will be provided at orientations and also available via download. Per the Handbook, late or missing forms will impact final semester ensemble grades.

Note that non-jazz major students are only to submit a Jazz Student Handbook Agreement form. All other forms do not apply.
