Undergraduate Research Writing Conference 2020
The Undergraduate Research Writing Conference (URWC) is an annual event that showcases outstanding work completed by students across Rutgers University. Students who earned A’s in any of the Writing Program’s research writing courses are invited to submit their papers for consideration, and the process of selection is highly competitive.
Selected students usually have the opportunity to present their work in a setting modeled on an academic conference, and the event provides an interdisciplinary platform for sharing ideas and networking in a professional environment.
This year, the URWC team has the pleasure of for the first time, transforming the conference into a virtual experience.
A Message from Professor Kurt Spellmeyer:
Director of the Rutgers Writing Program
2020 Panels and Poster Board presentations (Click through to see papers and presentations)
As one of the most populated states in the United States, New Jersey is an area where urban life and urban issues frequently intersect. It’s precisely these intersections that make New Jersey the perfect place to explore solutions to some of the most pressing social issues.
The art of an era often mirrors the life and truth of an era as well. While art can be a purely abstract experience, it can also be used to communicate widely held truths. In this section, we see various explorations of identity, emotion, and memory through various mediums.
To exist without change is just that, existing. Human history is rife with instances of social rebirth, where one social structure births the next. The 21st century is no different, with topics such as sexism, capitalism, and colorism dominating the social stage.
First name Last Name Project Title Presentation Dina Abdalla The Transcendence of Veganism and Vegetarianism as an Identity Movement Srusti Chandra India: Critics of Color An In-depth Analysis of the Psychological Causes and Effects of Colorism on Women and Africans in India George S. Henson, III The Prevalence of Misandry in Nursing: The Past is Still in the Present Alexandra Koken Universal Basic Income: Free Money for Freedom Cassandra Rizkallah The Anti-Feminist “Feminine”; Beyond the Barre of Detriment Olivia Smelas Social Media as a Mode of Attachment and Facilitator of a Narcissistic Agenda in Young Adult Romantic Relationship
Sarah Walter The Everyday Cult: Control as a Social Disease Nadine Yanes The Privilege of “Anti-Vaxxers” Angela Zarra The Psychology of Anti-Vaxxers: Privilege, Conspiracies, and the Medical Model -
We live in a world that recognizes that the Earth’s abundance is not infinite. We, however, struggle to understand how to care for the resources we have left and how to change century-long practices. In this section, we explore how to tackle environmental issues on a communal level.
First name Last Name Project Title Presentation Nicholas Friedrich The Destruction of Fairbanks Air Quality: A Crippling Issue on Health and the Environment Jessica Singh Biodiversity Conservation: A Set Up for Failure Ethan Sinyavsky Middlesex County Landfill Improvements: Organic Waste Collection and Processing Honson Tran Community Urban Farming to Increase Farm Yield Gorkem Yurekli Removal of Micro-plastics in Central New Jersey Freshwater Sources -
First name Last Name Project Title Presentation Islam Abdelmotaleb The Intimate Relationship Between Human-Like Creations and their Human Creators Austen Damerau Social Media and the Death of Logic Surabhi Dattatri The Effect of Technology on Academic Achievement James Hadley Artificial Intelligence and Rising Inequality Jacob Klonsky Implementing Ultra-Wideband Technology on NYC’s 5 Line: A Pilot Program John Murphy 3D Printed Prosthetics: Production and Opportunities Aruja Patel Sex Selection: The Impact of Reproductive Technology and its Consequences Kristen Rodriguez How Artificial Intelligence Can Mitigate Supplier Risk Rosalia Russo The Be Cyberkind Program -
First name Last Name Project Title Presentation Daniel Bernstein Starving the Mind Annalise Burke Isothiazolinone Contact Allergies Jessica Culin Optimal Nurse-Patient Relationship Pearl Kilien Kravets Hypersexuality: Social Normativity Gone Awry or Genuine Medical Problem? Hannah Oh Just Sleep, You’ll Feel Better in the Morning and the Long-run: An Investigation of the Impact of Sleep on Affect and Cognition Daniella Ramiro The Hippo-Critical Oath: How Time Constrained Physicians Contribute to the Opioid Epidemic Shivankar Vajinepalli The Hidden Manipulation: The Influence of Pharmaceutical Companies on Physicians and Researchers Daniel White Organs Wanted: Dead or alive? The Myths and Ethics Regarding Brain Dead Organ Donors -
First name Last Name Project Title Presentation Max Anthony The Intersection of Psychology and Terrorism: How Extremists Use Radicalized Ideology to Exploit Psychological Vulnerabilities Rohan Jayanth The Right to Die: Perspectives on Informed Consent and Medical Responsibility Kirti Mitaliya De-Dichotomizing Abortion Rights Muhammad Moosa Inmate Rights in America’s Private Prison System Sarah Pascoal “I Do” Not Consent: Gaining Legal Protection for Marital Rape -
First name Last Name Project Title Presentation Antonio Bu Sha Reaching for the Stars: The Importance of NASA Administered Rocket Research and Development Alongside SpaceX Nick Genung Population Bomb or Population Boon?: Population Control and Ethnic Tension During the Global Climate Crisis Aditya Jain The Cost of America’s Identity Crisis: Rising Pharmaceutical Prices Among a Fragmented Regulatory System Prahlad Jasti Societal Establishment of Conformism Through Data Publicization Jack Lowry Un-Human Minds: Why Being Human is Nothing Special -
First name Last Name Project Title Presentation Amanda Chen Hostile College Campus Environments: The Problem with Bureaucracy-Centric Sexual Assault Policies Odhran King The Downsides of Forcing Diversity Derek Lin Treating a Case of Rural Neglect Emily Liu Organ Trafficking and the Ills of Late Capitalism Bianca Mastellone America’s Gun Obsession: A Public Safety Crisis Eshah Murtaza Green Consumerism: the Solution to Our Narcissism? Patrick Song “The System is Broken!” Victimization and Anti-Establishment Sentiments as Mechanisms of Populism in Contemporary America -
First name Last Name Project Title Presentation Taqiya Ehsan Self-care in the 21st Century: Personal Wellness or a Capitalist Propaganda? Adora Grant Compulsory Heterosexuality: The Core of the Sex Toy Industry Ethan Nguyen Black America, Systemic Failure, and How the NCAA is caught in between the two Deepkumar Patel NCAA and Athlete-students: De-commercializing in a Commercial Age Vi Rong The Impact of East Asian Cultural Values on Familial Interactions Charis Shin __________ is the New Biggest Dating Trend
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With gratitude and thanks to our students Natasha Malonza, Stephanie Man, Aditya Singit, and Corine Joy Tomayo, who provided research support and helped manage and design this web page.
Rutgers Libraries – New Brunswick proudly supports the Undergraduate Research Writing Program.