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Student Experience Improvement Initiative Prepares for Business Process Review

The Student Experience Improvement Initiative (SEII) within Cornerstone is advancing toward the business process review (BPR) for the Student Information System (SIS). The review will help the project team understand current business and system processes, design future-state processes, and prepare for the implementation of Oracle Student Management, which is a technology solution that aids university administrators with setting up, tracking, and managing academic information.

Oracle Student Management has features that will provide the university with the ability to support the needs of students in a range of academic and administrative areas.

The next step in preparing for the BPR, according to Andrew Gootman, project manager for SEII, is developing a document that will serve as both project charter and management plan to guide the project work.

“The document will clearly describe the vision, mission, guiding principles, goals, and deliverables for the BPR. It also will inform how we implement, execute, monitor, and control the BPR (once underway) and the subsequent implementation ,” Gootman explains. “It will be a ‘living’ document we’ll update, as needed, throughout the project.”

Gootman and the project team have already completed the draft of the charter portion of the document, which is currently under review. The team also continues to conduct a series of “deep-dive” planning meetings where the focus is on reviewing tools, templates, as well as the process and approach for the BPR.

“We’re using the deep dives to help us get organized and prepare for the official project launch later this year,” says Gootman. “We’re aiming for an official sign-off on the combined charter and project management plan sometime in August.”