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Events from September 28, 2023 – January 23 – Shi Lab Events from September 28, 2023 – January 23 – Shi Lab

CCB Colloquium – Professor Matthew Tyska, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

Shaping the epithelial cell surface with actin bundling proteins During differentiation, enterocytes build an extensive apical array of microvilli known as the brush border, which serves to amplify the plasma membrane surface area available for nutrient absorption. In addition to serving as the sole site of nutrient uptake, brush border microvilli also provide an anchoring point for the glycocalyx and regulate interactions with luminal microbes. An … Read More

CCB Colloquium – Professor Simon Scheuring, Weill Cornell Medicine,

“Breaking Speed and Resolution Limitations of High-Speed AFM for Membrane Protein Structure-Function Analysis” Simon Scheuring1,2,* 1 Weill Cornell Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, 1300 York Avenue, New York, NY-10065, USA. 2 Weill Cornell Medicine, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, 1300 York Avenue, New York, NY-10065, USA High-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM) is a powerful technique that … Read More

CCB Colloquium – Professor Dragomir Milovanovic, DZNE

Condensate Biology at the Synapse  Brain functioning critically relies on neuronal communication that mainly occurs by chemical signaling at the specialized contacts known as synapses. At synapses, messenger molecules are … Read More