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November 2020

Dear BME Undergraduates,

I hope everyone is doing well as we enter the final stretch of the fall semester! I would like to share a few important updates with you all.
As you all know by now, the spring semester will again be virtual. While we are saddened by this news and miss our students very much, we understand that these decisions are not being made lightly and are for the safety of us all. With that being said, there are a few exceptions (subject to change based on the state of the pandemic):
 Independent research requests are being evaluated for approval. These are largely for juniors and seniors registered for credit, however exceptions can be applied for under special circumstances.
 Select sections of Senior Design have been approved for limited in-person activities.
 Select lab classes (see Measurements Lab info below).
As a reminder, nobody is required to be on campus and nobody will be penalized for not participating in any on-campus
activities! Participation is completely voluntary, and alternative remote activities will be provided.
Students engaged in research activities have to undergo all approval processes including frequent COVID-19 testing. Criteria and testing policies for returning to campus for classes have not yet been provided, but we can imagine those rules will be similar. Everyone must practice social distancing and wear a mask while in the buildings, and any in-person activities will be scheduled accordingly to avoid crowding and allow for proper cleaning of lab equipment in between users.
It is daunting to think about being remote for yet another semester, and the winter months can be tough even without a pandemic looming over us. If you are feeling unusually sad or anxious, please utilize the many mental health resources offered at Rutgers, or find a provider though your healthcare plan. We acknowledge that these are trying times and we want our students healthy.

Counseling Services

The University Schedule of Classes displays an incomplete statement about Measurements & Analysis (BME 14:125:315): “This section is approved for face-to-face instruction, on-campus during the University’s COVID-19 pandemic response.” The missing information is that the course is offered online. The faculty are working to develop
848-445-6578 Fax: 732-445-3753

some in-person exercises for interested students. To maintain the possibility of having these opportunities,
we requested and were approved for face-to-face components for the class. These will be optional in-lab experiential learning opportunities in the BME teaching labs via appointments if we can design and implement them in a way that is safe and equitable. No student is required to come to campus and be in a teaching lab in order to take the course.
ALL content required to complete the course will be offered online, with students conducting lab work in assigned teams either via online simulations or by doing labs at home following protocols specifically developed for “at home” use.
The lead instructor is Professor Natalie Macon, and various members of the BME faculty will be speakers for the main lecture portion of the course on Tuesdays at 9:00am. Graduate students will assist in teaching the labs.
Registration starts November 30th. Please refer to the BME Handbook if you need guidance on which classes to take. Core classes should be completed before electives, and junior labs are only offered one semester (devices in the fall, measurements in the spring). To register for senior design, 6/8 of your junior core classes INCLUDING the labs MUST be completed. Senior design is a year-long course. Not meeting the pre-reqs puts you at risk for not being able to register for senior design in a timely matter, thereby delaying your graduation, so please plan accordingly. If you are unsure of your schedule, please make a meeting with your advisor to discuss.
 Coffee with the Professors
AEMB is planning to host a Coffee with the Professors event on Wednesday 12/02 from 6-7PM through Gather Town.
Please join us for networking with fellow students and faculty! Link: Password: rutgersBME
 Your Guide To The Virtual Recruitment Process
The SOE Alumni-Industry Scholars are hosting a virtual event called Your Guide to the Virtual Recruitment Process on Wednesday, December 2, from 7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m (flyer attached). Through a professional panel and workshop-style breakout sessions we hope to help students prepare for virtual recruiting and interviews within the engineering industry.
 EGC Fall Food Drive
Information was previously sent by Muskan Jawed (event organizer) and Ms. Linda Johnson. Deadline is Dec 11, so
please consider a donation to support a worthy cause (and to win the competition!).
 Exam Week Activities
Plans are underway for some activities to help you de-stress during finals week. An end-of-semester Townhall is also in
the works. Stay tuned!
I hope everyone has a relaxing Thanksgiving break, and remember to please contact me with any questions or concerns!


Kristen Labazzo