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Part 1 – Sorting

1.1 – Bubble Sort

1.1.1 – Pseudocode

swapped = 1
    while swapped
        swapped = 0
        for i from 0 to size - 1
           if arr[i > arr[i + 1]
              swap( a[i], a[i + 1] )
              swapped = 1

1.1.2 – Time Complexity

Bubble sort being the least efficient sorting algorithm covered in this lab has a worst case of O(n^2).


1.2 – Selection Sort

1.2.1 – Pseudocode

for (i = size-1; i > 0; --i)
     Set integer index to 0 as the index of the largest element

     Set integer largest to arr[index]

     for (j = 1; j <= i; j++)
           if (arr[j] > largest)
               Change largest to arr[j] and index to j

     swap(arr[i], arr[index])


1.2.2 – Time Complexity

Selection sort is also a quadratic algorithm with a worst case of O(n^2).

1.3 – Insertion Sort

1.3.1 – Pseudocode

Set int value i to first+1, where first is the first index of your array

while i < size
     Set integer tmp to arr[i]
     Set int value j to i-1

     while j >= 0 and arr[j] > tmp
           Set arr[j+1] equal to arr[j]
           Decrement j
     end while 

     Set arr[j+1] equal to tmp
     Increment i
end while



Part 2 – Searching

2.1 – Serial Search

2.1.1 – Pseudocode

// Searches for a desired element in an array of n elements starting from a[first] 
// where first is the first index of the array

Set int value i to 0 to use as the index 
Set int value found to 0 for not found (to be used as boolean 0 - not found, 1 - found)

while (i < n &&  not found)
      if (a[first+i] is the desired item)
          set found to 1
          increment i

if (found)
     The desired element was found at a[first+i].
     The desired element was not found in the array.


2.1.2 – Time Complexity

The average case time complexity for a linear search is (n+1)/2 array accesses given a linear run time of O(n). A proof for this can be seen as follows:

Given an array of 5 elements there are five possible cases:

  • Desired element is at arr[0]: there is 1 array access
  • Desired element is at arr[1]: there are 2 array accesses
  • Desired element is at arr[2]: there are 3 array accesses
  • Desired element is at arr[3]: there are 4 array accesses
  • Desired element is at arr[4]: there are 5 array accesses

This gives us an average case of  = 15 and can be generalized as follows

2.2 – Binary Search

2.2.1 – Pseudocode


  • arr – The array to be searched
  • first – The first index of the part of the array to search
  • size – The number of elements to search, starting at a[first]
  • target – The element desired
  • location – Reference to location where item was found
  • found – Reference to boolean stating whether the item has been found


If size > 0, then first through first + size – 1 must be valid indexes for the array arr. Also, starting at arr[first], the next size elements are sorted in increasing order from small to large.

if (size <= 0)
     Set found to false
     middle = index of the approximate midpoint of the array segment;

     if (target == arr[middle])
           Set that the target was found and location to middle
     else if (target < arr[middle])
           search for the target in the area before the midpoint
     else if (target > arr[middle])
           search for the target in the area after the midpoint


2.2.2 – Time Complexity

The time complexity of binary search is bounded by O(log n).

Files Needed

#ifndef SORTER
#define SORTER

class sort{

                // Default constructor

                void bubble(int * arr, size_t size);

                void insertion(int * arr, size_t size);

                void selection(int * arr, size_t size);

                void mergesort(int * arr, size_t size);

                void merge(int * arr, size_t size1, size_t size2);

                void quicksort(int * arr, size_t size);

                void partition(int * arr, size_t size, size_t & pivot);




#include <iostream>
#include "sort.h"

sort :: sort()
	// Do nothing

	Precondition: arr is an integer array containing at least size components
	Postcondition: The elements in the array arr has been sorted so that 
	arr[0] <= arr[1] <= ... <= arr[size-1]	
void sort :: bubble(int * arr, size_t size)

	Precondition: arr is an integer array containing at least size components
	Postcondition: The elements in the array arr has been sorted so that 
	arr[0] <= arr[1] <= ... <= arr[size-1]
void sort :: insertion(int * arr, size_t size)

	Precondition: arr is an integer array containing at least size components
	Postcondition: The elements in the array arr have been sorted so that 
	arr[0] <= arr[1] <= ... <= arr[size-1]
void sort :: selection(int * arr, size_t size)

	Precondition: arr is an integer array containing at least size components
	Postcondition: The elements of the integer array arr have been sorted so that 
	arr[0] <= arr[1] <= ... <= arr[size-1]

	NOTE: If there is insufficient dynamic memory, then bad_alloc is thrown. 
	Library facilities used: cstdlib
void sort :: mergesort(int * arr, size_t size)

	Precondition: arr is an integer array (or subarray) with at least size1 + size2 
                      elements. The first size1 elements (from arr[0] to arr[size1 - 1]) 
                      are sorted from smallest to largest, and the last size2 elements 
                      (from arr[size1] to arr[size1 + size2 - 1]) also are sorted from 
                      smallest to largest
	Postcodition: The first size1 + size2 elements of the integer array arr have 
                      been rearranged to be sorted from smallest to largest.

	NOTE: If there is insufficient dynamic memory, then bad_alloc is thrown.

	Library facilities used: cstdlib 
void sort :: merge(int * arr, size_t size1, size_t size2)

	Precondition: arr is an integer array containing at least size components.
	Postcondition: The elements of arr have been rearranged so that 
	arr[0] <= arr[1] <= ... <= arr[size-1]

	Library facilities used: cstdlib
void sort :: quicksort(int * arr, size_t size)

	Precondition: The number of elements size > 1 and arr is an integer array 
                     (or subarray) containing at least size elements.
	Postcondition: The function has selected some "pivot value" that occurs 
                        in arr[0]...arr[size-1]. The elements of arr have 
	               then been rearranged and the pivot index set so that 
                       --- arr[pivot_index] is equal to the pivot
		       --- each element before arr[pivot_index] is <= the pivot
		       --- each element after arr[pivot_index] is > the pivot
void sort :: partition(int * arr, size_t size, size_t & pivot)


main.cpp (for sorting)

#include <iostream>
#include "sort.h"

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
	sort s;

	std::cout << "\nStarting bubble sort \n";

	int arr[6] = {5,3,1,6,2,7};

	s.bubble(arr, 6);

	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		std::cout << arr[i] << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\nStarting insertion sort \n";
	int arr2[8] = {13, 6, 7, 21, 45, 9, 2, 100};

	s.insertion(arr2, 8); 

	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		std::cout << arr2[i] << std::endl;

	std::cout << "\nStarting selection sort \n";

	int arr3[16] = {5, 1, 291, 21, 45, 643, 12, 11, 41, 23, 35 ,46, 51, 231, 21, 7};

	s.selection(arr3, 16);
	for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
		std::cout << arr3[i] << std::endl;



#ifndef SEARCHER
#define SEARCHER

class search{

                // Default constructor

                void serial (int * arr, size_t size, int target);

                void binary (const int * arr, size_t first, size_t size, 
                        int target, bool& found, size_t& location);




#include <iostream>
#include "search.h"

search :: search()
	// Do Nothing

	Searches for a desired item in the size array elements starting at arr[first]

	Precondition: arr is an integer array containing size elements
	Postcondition: Display to the user whether the desired target was located
void search :: serial (int * arr, size_t size, int target)

	Precondition: The integer array segment starting at arr[first] and 
		containing size elements is sorted from smallest to largest.
	Postcondition: The integer array segment starting at arr[first] and 
		containg size elements has been searched for the target. If
		the target was present, then found is true, and location is 
		set so that target --- arr[location]. Otherwise, found is 
		set to false.

	Library facilities used: cstdlib (provides size_t from namespace std)
void search :: binary (const int * arr, size_t first, size_t size,
		int target, bool& found, size_t& location)



#include <iostream>
#include "search.h"

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
        search s;

        int arr[10] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23};

        s.serial(arr, 10, 11);
        s.serial(arr, 10, 100);

        bool found;
        size_t location;

        s.binary(arr, 0, 10, 19, found, location);

        if (found)
                std::cout << "Found at location: " << location << std::endl;
                std::cout << "Not found\n";

        s.binary(arr, 0, 10, 4, found, location);

        if (found)
                std::cout << "Found at location: " << location << std::endl;
                std::cout << "Not found\n";

        return 0;



Extra Credit

EC 1

Each term appearing in the Fibonacci sequence is the sum of the previous two terms in the sequence. Starting with the two terms 0 and 1 the first 10 terms in the sequence will be

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, …

Using an iterative approach to generating the Fibonacci sequence, create a program that will find the sum of all even terms less than 4 million. Expected output: 4613732

EC 2

Implement Mergesort and Merge in sort.cpp and demo its functionality in main.cpp

EC 3

Implement Partition and Quicksort in sort.cpp and demo its functionality in main.cpp

What to submit?
|—–> Lab 3
|             |
|             |—–>Sorting
|             |              |
|             |              |—–>sort.h
|             |              |
|             |              |—–>sort.cpp
|             |              |
|             |              |—–>main.cpp
|             |              |
|             |              |—–>Makefile
|             |
|             |—–>Searching
|             |              |
|             |              |—–>search.h
|             |              |
|             |              |—–>search.cpp
|             |              |
|             |              |—–>main.cpp
|             |              |
|             |              |—–>Makefile
|             |
|             |—–>ExtraCredit
|             |              |
|             |              |—–>ec1.cpp
|             |              |
|             |              |—–>Makefile