After the collection was moved out of the Adele and Brinkley Smithers Building in January 2017, the various parts are now housed in different locations. Current imprints, i.e., about 1,500 books published in the past ten years were relocated to the Library of Science and Medicine. Titles published earlier than that, including the Rare Book Collection yet to be added to the online Rutgers Libraries catalog, can be found in the Library Annex on the Bush Campus.
All the CAS special collection materials will also benefit tremendously from the climate controlled environment and modern storage and classification system in the Annex. The plan is to provide access to researchers by appointment with the on-site knowledgeable staff and, upon request, the subject specialist librarian.
Research will be also supported by the ever useful CAS Library Card Catalog, a unique and irreplaceable tool to the library resources, which has found its new home in the Annex. Now it is easily accessible along the wall, instead of the square setup in the Alcohol Library.