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Poster at the State of the Libraries

Poster on a tableThe State of the Librariesis an annual event at Rutgers University Libraries, which also provides the opportunity to showcase our work. Representing the team behind the Digital Alcohol Studies Archives, I presented a poster with some reflections and conversation starters in the Douglass Student Center on June 12, 2024. The content relied largely on the talk Digital Projects at New Brunswick Libraries: The Alcohol Studies Archive.

Excited to discover that the poster can be presented on a table, rather than on a  stand, I felt lucky to have visited the Center of Alcohol and Substance Use Studies and the editorial office of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs the day before to pick up some swag to be added to the display, just like we used to do for SALIS conferences.

The magnets served as promotional item created about ten years ago, including two of the Yale Plan posters , the Alcometer, and Jellinek’s bookplate.

A perennial conversation starter, the Alco-Calculator was also on display and free to take. I decided not to wear my collectible Summer School of Alcohol Studies t-shirt, but displaying it gave me a chance to entertain my colleagues with stories about the Summer School and digitizing weird stuff, like t-shirts!
