In addition to publishing his scholarly articles in the first Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Jellinek’s ability to relate to broad audiences is demonstrated by launching a series of popular titles on alcohol-related topics entitled Lay Supplements. Based on the information found in Lay Supplement No. 1, the original plan was to publish standalone pamphlets of 10-25 pages on 14 distinct topics in 1941, with “a suitable reading list of reliable works for those who are interested in studying the subject beyond the scope of the Supplements” (Jellinek, 1941, p. 2). There is no author attribution on the title page, however, the first 12 of the series, published during the years 1941-1944, were attributed to Jellinek by the CAAAL bibliographers in the only published bibliography of E. M. Jellinek, which appeared at the end of the proceedings of the International Symposium on Alcohol and Alcoholism, held in the memory of E. M. Jellinek at the University of Chile, under the direction of Dr. Jorge Mardones in Santiago, August 15-19, 1966, edited by R. E. Popham.
The Lay Supplements were not published in the planned chronological order, which explains the non-sequential list in the bibliography below. The titles are listed by their first year of publication, with additional reprints added underneath their primary records. The first twelve titles of the series, authored by Jellinek, were printed a total of 101 times, with Lay Supplement 10, The drinker and the drunkard, as the most popular with its 12 editions. The last two Lay Supplements, were published in 1955, after Jellinek had left Yale. Additional copies of the titles in this series are considered reprints, since the only changes were minor updates to the “selected reading” lists on the back covers. The Lay Supplements were bound as a single volume, similar to the Classics of the Alcohol Literature, and were even assigned a Library of Congress call number (RC565.Q3), as shown on the spine.
Download copies of the Yale CAS Lay Supplement Series (1-14)

Total reprints of the 14 volumes: v. 10 was reprinted 12 times
–Originally published in the May 2015 issue of the CAS Information Services Newsletter, based on research and processing by Danny Geary, Graduate Assistant at CAS