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     Daniel Vogel’s grandfather Siegfried Schweizer moved to New Jersey before the Second World War with his family. In this photo from the Vogel family collection, Siegried stands behind Daniel’s father next to Albert Einstein in Skillman, NJ.
Image courtesy of Daniel Vogel’s family collection.



     Daniel’s grandfather and Dr. Einstein met as part of the effort to help Jewish refugees after the Second World War. Mr. Schweizer’s fundraising efforts were thanks to an endorsement letter from Dr. Einstein and a burnt piece of a Torah rescued from a synagogue after Kristallnacht. Daniel’s mother reflected fondly upon the visits from “The Professor” to their family farm as a child and when Daniel’s grandfather passed away, the family was honored to receive a note of condolence from Dr. Einstein, one that they have kept to this day.
Above is a Somerville Farm Loan Association Affidavit from 1939 that Mr. Schweizer used to try to secure passage for refugees to the U.S.
Click on the image to view it in greater detail.