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Why this page?

It’s about “the presentation of the self in everyday life,” if I may borrow Erving Goffman’s title. With so many official versions of one’s cv, whether a mile-long list of publications or a 50-word biosketch, it’s hard to see the person behind it. Hope this page will help.

The other purpose is to create an inventory of my interests and see what will stick in the future (i.e., the less scholarly, so-called spaghetti method). It’s also about control: I can post and upload content that I am most interested in sharing. Apologies for the occasional typos and copy/paste errors, this is a solo cruise.

The Latest: focus on the Digital Alcohol Studies Archives

In Spring 2023, I had the opportunity to work on a single project during my first-ever sabbatical leave. Follow the progress of my attempt to salvage what the world lost by shutting down the Alcohol Library and Archive in December 2016.

Read our article about the Collection:

See also my blog posts on other pages I run: