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How I Fell Back in Love with Reading in Grad School

Editor’s note: Welcome our new blogger, Danielle Pitter, published poet and graduate student assistant from the Master of Information Program at the School of Communication & Information at New Brunswick … Read More

Staff Picks: “Breaking Through: My Life in Science” by 2023 Nobel laureate Katalin Karikó

Breaking through: My life in science, a modest and unpresuming title, sounds unlike the typical editorializing titles of memoirs published by “celebrities” in the popular culture sense of the word. … Read More

Hamburger America: Burgers and Books (Part 2)

This post continues my (non-competitive) efforts to highlight a cross-section of food, books, and libraries, previously detailed in Hamburger America: Burgers and Books (Part 1). Our Hamburger Story (cont’d) While … Read More

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