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Gérard Avelino at 16-ICAL

Gérard Avelino presented his work at 16-ICAL

(Gérard Avelino)

The 16th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (16-ICAL) was held in Manila, Philippines on 20-24 June 2024.

Gérard Avelino presented a talk based on his first qualifying paper, “A subjunctive for Tagalog? Optatives and the matrix infinitive”, below is the full abstract.

Non-embedded declarative clauses generally require finite verb forms. In Tagalog, however, monoclausal constructions like (1) are grammatical with a verb in the infinitive.

(1) Mag-luto    sana    siya               ng       lumpia.

      AV-cook    OPT    3SG.NOM    GEN    lumpia

      ‘I hope he cooks some lumpia.’

Sentences such as these, which Schachter & Otanes (1972) class as optative constructions, express a speaker’s wish for something to take place. These constructions use an infinitive verb, typically in combination with the enclitic particle sana, which expresses the speaker’s hopes; or, less commonly, with other enclitic particles that express uncertainty; or, infrequently, with no enclitic particle at all (Schachter & Otanes 1972).

I find that Tagalog optative constructions pattern with subjunctive moods in other languages in exhibiting three key semantic properties: focus sensitivity, gradability, and nonveridicality. Thus, even if Tagalog does not explicitly mark verbal mood with dedicated morphology, these optatives nonetheless select for verbs in the subjunctive.