Colloquium Series
Colloquia are generally held Fridays at 3:00 p.m., in Room 108 of the Linguistics Department, 18 Seminary Place, College Ave Campus. A reception typically follows. Speakers are selected by the graduate students in consultation with (and with suggestions from) the faculty.
For more information, please contact the current colloquium organizers:
- Aidan Sharma (aidan.sharma [at]
- Ariela Ye ( [at]
- Beryl Bui (berylbui [at]
The upcoming colloquium speakers for the Spring 2025 are:
January 17, 3:00 – 5:00 PM ET
Keny Chatain (Institut Jean Nicod)
January 31, 3:00 – 5:00 PM ET
Mathieu Pailé (University of Calgary)
February 7, 3:00 – 5:00 PM ET
Ryan Smith (Ohio State University)
February 14, 3:00 – 5:00 PM ET
Diti Bhadra (University of Minnesota)
Fall 2024
October 4, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Shannon Bryant (Rutgers University)October 18, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Yağmur Sağ (Rutgers University)November 22, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Lauren Covey (Montclair State University)
Spring 2024
April 5, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Jon Rawski (MIT)March 29, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Byron Ahn (Princeton)March 22, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Tanya Bondarenko (Harvard)February 16, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Emily Hanink (IU Bloomington)Fall 2023
October 20, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Athulya Aravind (MIT)November 3, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Kyle Gorman (CUNY)December 1, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Laura Kalin (Princeton)
Spring 2023
April 21, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Brian Dillon (UMass Amherst)
Principle B: The view from comprehension and production (details)February 24, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Kenyon Branan (Universität Göttingen)
Syntax-phonology interactions and the Left Edge Ban (details)February 17, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Justin Royer (UC Berkeley)
Binding and anti-cataphora in Mayan (details)February 10, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Maria Kouneli (University of Leipzig)
Upwards-oriented complementizer agreement: The view from Kipsigis (details)February 3, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Rodrigo Ranero (UCLA)
A new perspective on the syntax of silence: The view from Mayan (details)January 27, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Ksenia Ershova (MIT)
The nuanced typology of syntactic ergativity: Insights from parasitic gaps in Samoan and West Circassian (details)Fall 2022
September 30, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Luke Adamson (Rutgers)
A noun’s gender is locally determined: Evidence from gender and possession (details)November 11, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Aaron White (University of Rochester)
Semantic Category Induction (details)December 16, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Laura McPherson (Dartmouth College)
Spoken rhythms and drummed speech: Bidirectional iconicity at the crossroads of language and music (details)
Fall 2021
October 15, 2:00 – 3:30 PM ET
Lisa Pearl (UC Irvine)
How children are and aren’t like adults when interpreting pronouns: A computational cognitive modeling investigation. (details)November 19, 3:00 – 4:30PM ET
Claire Halpert (University of Minnesota)
Revisiting nominal licensing in Zulu (details)December 3, 3:00 – 4:30PM ET
Kristine Yu (UMass Amherst)
Building prosodic trees (details)Spring 2022
January 28, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Carly Dickerson (Rutgers)
Sociolinguistic Knowledge of Albanian Heritage Speakers in the U.S. (details)March 25, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Asia Pietraszko (University of Rochester)
Syntactic structure building: lessons from periphrasis (details)April 1, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Amir Anvari (MIT)
A theory of oddness (details)April 29, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Yohei Oseki (University of Tokyo)
Building machines that process natural language like humans (details) -
Fall 2020
Friday, October 30, 11:15 AM ET
Gillian Ramchand (Tromsø): Verbal Symbols and Generalized Demonstrations (details)Friday, Nov 20, 4:00 PM ET
Stefan Keine (UCLA): Crossover asymmetries (joint work w/ Rajesh Bhatt) (details)Friday, Dec 04, 1:30 PM ET
Janet Pierrehumbert (Oxford): Capturing semantic and social factors in morphological derivation (details)Spring 2021:
Friday, February 05, 3:00 PM ET
Edward Flemming (MIT):
A Generative Phonetic Analysis of the timing of L- Phrase Accents in English (details)Friday, March 05, 3:00 PM ET
Rajesh Bhatt (UMass Amherst): Deconstructing Relativization — the case of Georgian `rom’ relatives
(joint work with Léa Nash, Paris 8/CNRS) (details)Friday, March 26, 3:00PM ET
Daniel Goodhue (UMD): `Rising declaratives and the semantics-pragmatics interface’ (details)Friday, April 16, 3:00 PM ET
Danny Fox (MIT):
Trivalent Strong Exhaustivity – towards a uniform semantics for question embedding (details) -
Spring 2020:
Friday, January 31
Nadine Theiler (UConn):- Ungrammaticality from triviality: deriving selectional restrictions of attitude verbs (details)
- Witness protection: A unified semantics for additive particles in assertions and questions (details)
Friday, February 7
Deniz Özyıldız (UMass):Friday, February 14
Dorothy Ahn (Harvard):- Semantic research in the signed modality (details)
- A competition mechanism for anaphoric expressions (details)
Friday, February 21
Virgina Dawson (UC Berkeley):- What do imperatives mean? (details)
- Paths to exceptional wide scope: Choice functions in Tiwa (details)
Friday, March 6
Jon Ander Mendia (Cornell):Fall 2019
Friday, October 18
Lynn Burley (University of Central Arkansas): Teaching Linguistics with Case Studies: High-Impact LearningFriday, October 25
Jason Bishop (CUNY): Prosodic evidence for individual differences in speech production planningFriday, November 1
Jim Wood (Yale): Putting our heads together: Icelandic deverbal event nouns and allosemy (details)Friday, November 22
Jeff Heinz (Stony Brook): Deterministic Analyses of Optional ProcessesFriday, December 13
Cleo Condoravdi (Stanford): Polarity Reversal and Scalarity in Counterfactuals - Ungrammaticality from triviality: deriving selectional restrictions of attitude verbs (details)
Fall 2018
Friday, September 21
Keir Moulton (University of Toronto). Exceptional Agreement via Clausal DeterminersFriday, October 19
Anna Szabolcsi (NYU): Title TBDFriday, October 26
Kevin McMullin (University of Ottawa): Title TBD -
Fall 2017
Friday, October 20
Craige Roberts: De se semantics for indexicalsFriday, November 03
Juliette Stanton: Constraints on contrast motivate nasal cluster dissimilationFriday, December 15
Thomas Graf: One reason to move, a million reasons to be an island: Third-factor explanations from computational syntaxSpring 2018
Tuesday, January 23
Ryan Bochnak: Temporal interpretation in complement clauses: The view from Washo, an optional tense languageFriday, February 02
Andries Coetzee: Radically Individualized Linguistic CompetenceTuesday, February 06
Yimei Xiang: Complete and true: Attitudes held of questionsFriday, February 09
Greg Scontras: Property noise and ambiguity resolution: The case of stubborn distributivityTuesday, February 13
Yasutada Sudo: How scalar implicatures and presuppositions interactFriday, February 16
Susi Wurmbrand: ECM cross-linguistically — Consequences for the A/A’-distinction, Case and clause reductionTuesday, February 27
Prerna Nadathur: Necessity, sufficiency, and actuality: causal dependence in implicative inferencesFriday, March 02
Mariapaola D’Imperio: Language-specific prosodic parsing: a window into the nature of phonological and phonetic category learningFriday, March 09
Elliott Moreton: Featural-simplicity biases in phonological learning -
Fall 2015
Friday, September 25
Andrew Nevins (UCL): Where Can Linearity Trump Hierarchy in Syntax?Friday, October 23
Gillian Gallagher (NYU): Natural Classes and Phonotactic PatternsFriday, November 06
Ian Roberts (Cambridge): A Parameter Hierarchy for PassivesFriday, December 04
Gennaro Chierchia (Harvard): Where Does Weak Crossover Come From?Spring 2016
Fall 2014
September 26
Liliana Sanchez (Rutgers): Modularity from the bilingual perspective: Crosslinguistic influence, feature reassembly and functional convergenceOctober 24
Florian Schwarz (UPenn): Presupposition and implicatures in online processingNovember 21
Magda Kaufmann (UConn): Embedded imperatives: venturing into the cross-linguistic pictureDecember 5
Bruce Tesar (Rutgers): Output-Driven PhonologySpring 2015
February 6
Douglas Pulleyblank (UBC): Out from under lying formsMarch 6
Alexander Williams (UMD): Implicit agents and remote controlApril 3
David Pesetsky (MIT): Islands in the modern world -
Fall 2013
September 27
Kyle Rawlins (Johns Hopkins): ‘About’ attitudesOctober 25
Chris Collins (NYU): Horn Clauses and the Analysis of Negative Polarity Items*
Spring 2014
January 28-29
Andreea Nicolae
Polarity and Exhaustivity in Questions.Am I right or wrong? Where do disjunctive questions come from?
February 6-7
Peter Klecha
Imprecision and ModalityConstraints on Temporal Orientation
February 13-14
Igor Yanovich
Necessity modals: from two strengths to many colorsVariable-force modality
February 27-28
Simon Charlow
Locality in the syntax and semantics of attitude ascriptions.The dynamic core of exceptional scope.
March 4-5
Benjamin GeorgeMarch 7
Brett Hyde (Wash U): TBAApril 25
Marcel Den Dikken (Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences): The Attractions of Agreement