RULing is our annual student-organized and student-run workshop, where we showcase our research. This event is held in early May. Invited speakers are typically alumni and current or past Linguistics faculty.
RULing 2025 will be held on May 2nd. The student officers are Gérard Avelino and Beryl Bui.
Invited Speaker:
Nick Danis, “Comparing representations: Towards a strong generative capacity for phonology”Student Officers:
Ziling Zhu and Beryl BuiPresenters:
Jiayuan Chen, “Turning common nouns into names: a compositional semantics of quasi-names”
Beryl Bui, “The glass is half-empty half-full: Perspective and perspective shift in Vietnamese”
Jiaxing Yu, “Some tentative rethinkings of Mandarin paycheck anaphora in dynamic semantics”
Gérard Avelino, “Noncanonical Tagalog Sluicing”
Tetsu Nomaguchi, “Phase-bounded NPI-licensing in Japanese”
Utku Zobarlar, “Representing irregular aorist allomorph selection in Turkish”
Aidan Sharma, “Uyghur Umlaut as Vowel Reduction” -
Invited Speaker:
Diti Bhadra, “Modals of prohibition and obligation: semantics, complementation, typology”Student Officers:
Sreekar Raghotham and Marjorie LeducPresenters:
Marjorie Leduc, “Kinande vowel harmony as trigger effacement”
Hyunjung Joo, “Perception of lexical pitch accent in South Kyungsang Korean”
Jiayuan Chen, “The underlying structure of Mandarin embedded and matrix sluicing”
Jiaxing Yu, “Semantics of non-deictic uses of Mandarin demonstratives”
Gérard Avelino, “Phillipine type voice and the Tboli applicative”
Sreekar Raghotham, “Telugu verb suppletion and the theory of allomorphy”
Vincent Czarnecki, “Tone Spreading in Xitsonga: A computational approach to the syntax-phonology interface”
Hyunjung Joo, “Case stacking in Korean: Prosodic evidence” -
Invited Speaker:
Eric Bakovič, “Function Interaction and Weak Determinism”Student Officers:
Deen Mamadou and Meg GotowskiPresenters:
Gérard Avelino, “The case of Tagalog particle sana: Modals and subjunctives at the syntax-semantics interface”
Sreekar Matam, “Reflexivity in Telugu”
Meg Gotowski, “Word Learning is Easy!”
Marjorie Leduc, “Karaja Harmony in Logical Phonology”
Deen Mamadou, “Tone, Intonation, and Prosodic Domain Interactions in
Ede Chaabe” -
Invited Speaker:
Jess Law, “Assertions in Cantonese”Student Officers:
Nate Koser and Deen MamadouPresenters:
Eileen Blum, “Positional Transparency in Eastern Meadow Mari”
Hazel Mitchley, “A New Way of Introducing the External Argument and the Implications for ‘Bundling'”
Ziling Zhu, “Do Mandarin nouns and classifiers individuate? Experimental evidence from a quantity judgment task”
Lydia Newkirk, “Exhaustifying modals in Kinande”
Chaoyi Chen, “The concessive reading of scalar particles” -
Invited Speaker:
Shuhao Shih, “The phonetics and phonology of vowel reduction in European Portuguese”Student Officers:
Chris Oakden and Nate KoserPresenters:
Chris Oakden, “Circular chain shifts as parallel satisfaction using recursive schemes”
Jillian Harper, “John’s former ambiguity”
Nate Koser, “Bounded look-ahead in iterative stress assignment” -
Invited Speaker:
Matt Barros, “Semantic Identity Under Discussion”(Abstract and Full paper)Student Officers:
Morgan Moyer and Deepak AlokPresenters:
Nate Koser, “Creaky voice in Yoruba”
Huteng Dai, “Gradient long-distance laryngeal harmony and gradient symbolic representation”
Dine Mamadou, “Word-level Accent in Zarma”
Wenyua Hua, “Syllabification in Yavapai”
Chen Zhou, “Verbal Nouns and Case Assignment in the Light Verb Constructions in Japanese and Korean”
Livia Souza, “Triple negation in Brazilian Portuguese”
Sreekar Raghotham, “φ-feature covariance in Telugu nonverbal predicates”
Augustina Owusu, “Bare Nouns in Akan revisited” -
Invited Speaker:
Peter Staroverov, “Input restrictions in Tundra Nenets”Student Officers:
Vera Gor and Yagmur SagPresenters:
Hazel Mitchley, “Causative constructions in Kinande”
Eileen Blum, “Allophony-driven stress in Munster Irish”
Nathan Koser, “A Constraint definition language and consequences for alignment”
Dine Mamadou, “f0-Vowel Duration Correlation is not Universally Negative”
Yi-hsun Chen, “Decomposing superlative modifiers: why and how (also morphology)”
Ang Li, “Quantified exhaustiveness in embedded questions”
Deepak Alok, “Semantics and pragmatics of the Magahi nominal particle –waa”
Augustina Owusu, “Clausal determiners in Akan”
Yu Cao, “On causal and instrumental how”
Morgan Moyer, “How robust are Mention-Some readings of embedded questions” -
Invited Speaker:
Will Bennett, “Different grammars for different speakers: a case study from Xhosa labial palatalization”Student Officers:
Morgan Moyer and Livia SouzaPresenters:
Chris Oakden, “Checked tone merger in Nanjing Mandarin: An acoustic analysis”
Morgan Moyer, “Output-driven learnability, restrictiveness and phonotactic generalization”
Eileen Blum, “Stressed velar fricatives in Munster Irish: An acoustic analysis”
Yi-Hsun Chen, “On the syntactic distribution of speaker concession – a semantic-pragmatic account”
Yagmur Sag, “The semantics of numeral constructions in Turkish”
Deepak Alok, “Semantics of bare nominals, classifiers, and number marking in Magahi”
Ang Li, “Mandarin verbal classifiers and the plurality of events”
Jess Law, “The anti-cumulativity inference of some distributivity items”
Beibei Xu, “Belief update in Kratzerian modality theory”
Umit Atlamaz, “Hierarchical case assignment in Kashmiri” -
Invited Speaker:
Daniel Altshuler, “Present tenses and their relation to the past”Student Officers:
Augustina Owusu, Jess Law, Sarah Hansen, and Vera GorPresenters:
Deepak Alok, “The syntax of a split: The case of Hindi and Magahi”
Nick Winter, “And and And: The syntax of multiple coordinate complexes”
Ang Li, “Movement in Mandarin bei-passives”
Yagmur Sag, “The semantics of number in Turkish”
Eileen Blum, “Stress in Munster Irish”
Livia Camargo, “The syntax of (Panoan) switch-reference”
Yi-Hsun Chen, “Lifetime effect and its mirror image: a neo-Gricean perspective”
Mingming Liu, “Mandarin conditional conjunctions and only” -
Invited Speaker:
Paul Smolensky, “Gradient symbolic grammar”Followed by special address by Alan Prince
Student Officers:
Luca Iacoponi, Jess Law, and Augustina OwusuPresenters:
Kunio Kinjo, “The anti-agreement effect and phrasal probe”
Augustina Owusu, “Modal concord or something else? ”
Akinbiyi Akinlabi (faculty), “Category change in segmental alternation: High vowels and syllabic nasals”
Yagmur Sag, “Light verb constructions in Turkish”
Jess Law, “Free choice, exhaustivity, and cumulativity”
Paul de Lacy (faculty), “Automating acoustic evidence for stress”
Vandana Bajaj, “Intensification in an exclusive and scalar particle”
Livia Souza, “Switch-reference agreement as independent evidence for tripartite case system in Panoan languages”
Bruce Tesar (faculty), “Contrast in the Time of ODP”
Morgan Moyer, “2-year-olds can track discourse roles through pronominal reference”
Vartan Hagverdi, “Armenian schwa: a phonetic and phonological analysis”
Alan Prince (faculty), “Follow the logic” -
Invited Speaker:
Yael Sharvit, “The Only Boy is Uniquest”Student Officers:
Vera Gor and Satarupa DasPresenters:
Nick Danis, “Complex Stops and Place Faithfulness”
Shu-hao Shih, “Palatalization in Hong Kong Cantonese”
Hope McManus, “Some Formal Properties of Subtractive Morphology”
Ümit Atlamaz, “Functional projections and movement in DP: What ezafe teaches us”
Kunio Kinjo, “Okinawan Interrogatives and focus constructions”
Matthew Barros, “Specificational Subjects and Constraints on Pivots”
Yağmur Sağ, “Person Agreement in Denizli Dialect of Turkish”
Diti Bhadra, “What is it you ask?: Cleft questions in Manipuri”
Vandana Bajaj, “Hindi -hii and Speaker Expectations”
Beibei Xu, “An experimental study on nandao-Questions in Mandarin”
Vera Gor, “English Comparatives: Children See More Than Adults “ -
Invited Speaker:
Naz Merchant, “A Comparison of Syllabification Theories in Harmonic Serialism and Optimality Theory”Student Officers:
Vandana Bajaj and Atsushi OhoPresenters:
Vera Gor, “Case-Assignment on Semi-Predicatives in Russian Infinitival Clauses”
Nick Danis, “Implicit Arguments in Verb-Particle Constructions”
Luca Iacoponi, “Ephemeral Incomplete Neutralization: An alternative approach to microphonetic differences in Cantonese tone change”
Sarah Hansen, “Tone Implementation in Dzongkha”
Diti Bhadra, “About ‘naki'”
Vĕra Dvořák, “When silent ‘something’ and silent ‘someone’ behave like mass nouns” -
Invited Speaker:
Daphna Heller, “Common Ground and the Probabilistic Nature of Referential Domains”Student Officers:
Vandana Bajaj and Nagarajan SelvanathanPresenters:
Jeremy Perkins, “Perception of Consonnt-Tone Interactions in Thai”
Aaron Braver and Shigeto Kawahara, “Incomplete Neutralization in Japanese Monomoraic Lengthening”
Sara J O’Neill, “On the consequences of removing maximal foot size restrictions from GEN in an exhaustively footed factorial typology of QI stress”
Matt Barros, “Marooned in Silence: Arguments against Island Repair under Ellipsis”
Atushi Oho, “Scrambling and dependency in multiple wh-questions”
Beibei Xu, “A possible uniform account of neutral, biased and rhetorical polar questions: a case analysis of German and Mandarin” -
Invited Speaker:
Eric Bakovič, “Breaking down rule interactions”Student Officers:
Věra Dvořák and Matthew BarrosPresenters:
Asya Achimova, “Naive speakers vs. professional linguists – same or different?”
Crystal Akers, “Learning paradigmatic equals: resolving global lexical ambiguity”
Vandana Bajaj, “The role of narrative structure and the QUD in scopal ambiguity resolution”
Julio Barbosa, “A unifying account for English compounds”
Matthew Barros, “Something else on exceptive constructions”
Aaron Braver, “Perception of /t/ and /d/ flaps in American English: Some early results”
Paula Houghton, “Switch languages”
Todor Koev, “Watch your appositive! On the pragmatic differences between clause-medial and clause-final appositive RCs”
Sara O’Neill, “Postverbal adverbs in English”
Jeremy Perkins, “Consonant-tone interaction in Thai: A perception experiment”
Peter Staroverov, “Realization of Russian word-final consonant clusters”
Teresa Torres, “The role of past tense in mirativity”
Billy Xu, “Comparatives in English”
Masahiro Yamada, “Plural predication with ‘with'” -
Invited Speakers:
Oluseye Adesola, “Tense and Negation in Yoruba”
Yael Sharvit, “De Re Pronouns and Unexpected BT Effects”Student Officers:
James Bruno and Carlo LinaresPresenters:
Asya Achimova, “Revisiting Wh/Quantifier Interaction: What Experimentation Can Tell Us About Grammar”
Crystal Akers, “Learning Multiple Hidden Structures”
William Grover Bennett, “On Ejectives in Amharic”
Aaron Braver, “Incomplete Neutralization in American English Flapping”
Teresa Torres-Bustamante, “Mirativity in Spanish”
Ryan Denzer-King, “The Subobviative in Blackfoot”
Věra Dvořák, “A Secondary Imperfectization Puzzle”
Carlos Fasola, “The Syntax and Semantics of Comparative Correlatives”
Paula Houghton, “Alignment”
Todor Koev, “On Event-Level Evidentiality”
Jeremy Perkins, “Nuclear Stress in English” -
Invited Speaker:
Roger Schwarzschild, “The Mass-Count Distinction”Student Officers:
Crystal Akers and Paula HoughtonPresenters:
Matthew Barros, “Co-Construal & Identity in Ellipsis”
Aaron Braver, “DP-Internal Ellipsis in Spanish”
James Bruno, “Absolute Constructions: Telicity, DP-licensing, and Micro-Variation”
Věra Dvořák, “On Ditransitives in Czech
Heeshin Koak, “Structural Case Assignment in Double Nominative Constructions”
Sarah Murray, “Evidentials and Questions in Cheyenne”
Michael O’Keefe, “Central Alaskan Yup’ik Stress”
Jeremy Perkins, “Phonetic Effects of Glottalization in Onset-Tone Interaction in Thai” -
Invited Speaker:
Ken Safir, “Transitivity and Reflexivity: A Bantu Perspective”Student Officers:
Aaron Braver, Paula Houghton, Carlo Linares, Michael O’Keefe, and Jeremy PerkinsPresenters:
Will Bennett, “Clicks and Complex Stops Are Very, Very Different”
Aaron Braver, “Phonetic Opacity: Flapping and Vowel Length in American English”
Patrick Houghton, “On the Distribution of Clausal Gerunds”
Mike O’Keefe, “Argument Composition”
Sarah Murray, “Evidentials and Propositional Content”
Jeremy Perkins, “Canadian Diphthong Raising”
Will Starr, “The Interrogative Theory of Iffiness” -
Invited Speaker:
Jane GrimshawStudent Officers:
John Manna, Paula Houghton, Seunghun J. Lee, and Sarah MurrayPresenters:
Daniel Altshuler, “Is Osage a Stress-Driven-Tone or a Tone-Driven-Stress Language?”
Will Bennett, “Clicks: a conundrum”
Carlos Fasola, “A Unified Evidential Semantics for the Quechua Yes/No Question and Negation marker –chu”
Michael Johnson, “The Punctuation Theory of Quotation”
Xiao Li, “Chinese Verbal Comparatives Degreeless”
John Manna, “Default Reasoning and Argument Resolution”
Sarah Murray, “Reflexivity, Reciprocity, and Underspecification”
Nadya Vinokurova, “Capturing the Possessor” -
Invited Speakers:
Maria Bittner, “Referents for Natural Language Quantifiers”
Alan Prince, “The Pursuit of Theory”Student Officers:
John Manna, Daniel Altshuler, Michael O’Keefe, Sarah Murray, Xiao Li, Naz Merchant, Slavica Kochovska, Seunghun J. Lee, and Jessica RettPresenters:
Daniel Altshuler, “Embedded tenses in Russian: A parametric extension of Abusch and Filling the Gap: QI Iambs and the Typology of Feet”
Heeshin Koak, “Allomorph Selection in Korean Nominal Suffixes”
Slavica Kochovska, “Intervention Effects in Macedonian Wh- Questions”
Hyunjoo Kim, “A-Bar Intervention Effects in why-questions [presented by Seunghun Lee]”
Xiao Li, “On Comparative Quantification in the Verbal Domain: Japanese –sugi Constructions Revisited”
John G. Manna, “Centering and Anaphora in Japanese”
Vita Markman, “Subject case, Object case: Accusativity, Ergativity, and Agreement”
Nazzarre Merchant, “Using local lexica to learn ranking information and underlying feature values”
Sarah E. Murray, “Selective Faithfulness Theory and Voicing Assimilation”
Michael O’Keefe, “Non-local assimilation via Heads, Edges, Association, and Domains”
Jessica Rett, “What –exclamatives”