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Rising declaratives and the semantics-pragmatics interface
March 26, 2021 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
In this talk, I aim to show that the empirical situation is even more complicated than is typically assumed, and that dealing with this complication teaches us something new about the semantics-pragmatics interface. The complication is that, while rising declaratives are frequently used to ask questions, they can also be used to make assertions much like falling declaratives, and there is reason to believe that these disparate uses deserve a unified account. Articulating a unified account reveals that much of the illocutionary force of utterances must be pragmatically derived. In particular, intonation cannot directly signal whether or not the speaker is committed to the content of the declarative clause (pace Gunlogson 2003, Truckenbrodt 2012, Farkas & Roelofsen 2017, Jeong 2018, and Rudin 2018, among others). Commitment needs to be worked out from the semantic content, the intonational contribution, and the context of utterance. I flesh out how.