Poster Session
Call for Posters! We will be accepting abstracts for our 2024 Innovations in Dermatological Sciences Conference through August 24. Please see instructions below:
Center for Dermal Research
“2024 Innovations in Dermatological Sciences Remote Conference”
We are seeking submissions from academia and industry to present novel research on dermatological sciences at our annual “Innovations in Dermatological Sciences Conference” on September 24, 2024. The conference will be held remotely.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Dermatology
- Skin Research
- Delivery of Compounds to Skin
- Sunscreens
- Transdermals
- Topicals
- Skin Models for Assessing Skin Permeability
- Skin Diseases
We continue the established tradition of providing an interaction opportunity for students and established researchers to present and demonstrate their new and innovative work in-progress, and to obtain feedback from their peers in an informal setting. It provides conference attendees a forum where they can learn about novel on-going research projects that might not yet be complete, but whose preliminary results are already interesting. It also provides poster presenters with an excellent opportunity to receive invaluable feedback from knowledgeable sources. Posters will be peer-reviewed by members of the Poster Committee based on originality, significance, quality, and clarity. Poster authors are not required to transfer copyright.
Poster Session will be held on Tuesday, September 24 during our annual remote “Innovations in Dermatological Sciences Conference”. The posters will be available for viewing during the entire day while the Conference is in session.
We will be awarding recognition to the top three posters!
Directions for Submitting an Abstract:
Abstracts are due by August 24
All abstracts should be an original body of work, single spaced. Abstract must include the following and each section must be clearly labeled as such. Abstracts not labeled will be returned:
- Section I: Name, University/Company Name, Email Address
- Section II: Abstract Title
- Section III: Objective
- Section IV: Introduction and background information
- Section V: Methods, ingredients, or materials used
- Section VI: Results of the research
- Section VII: Statement of conclusions
- Section VIII: Recommendations or future work to be done
- Section IX: Acknowledgments
Abstract submissions should be submitted to: Subject line: 2024 Poster Submission
Poster and Recording Submission:
Poster Submission and recording due September 17.
Poster Creators will record an overview of their poster (3-minute maximum length). Recording must be completed and uploaded before September 17. Submissions after that date will not be accepted. Detailed instructions for recording will be provided after abstract has been approved via an email invite to our digital platform.