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Previous Seminars in 2024:

February 5:   James (Vincent) Gruber, Vantage, kicked off our 2024 CDR Seminar series with a talk on “ATP Biofluorescence as a rapid means to quantify probiotics delivered from topical probiotic treatments”       Click here for seminar flyer

March 4:  Manpreet Randhawa, Consultant, presented “Personal Care Products Development – importance of clinical studies”    Click here for seminar flyer

April 22:  Bishr Omary, Rutgers University and Rutgers Health presented “Diseases of the Intermediate Filaments Cytoskeleton:  From Pathogenesis to Drug Discovery”  Click here for seminar flyer

November 18:  Norman Richardson, Technical Services Manager at BASF Pharma Solutions,  presented  “Developing Sustainable Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms”  Click here for seminar flyer

December 9:  Rashmi Thakur, Bristol-Myers Squibb, will be presenting Subcutaneous Delivery of BiotherapeuticsClick here for seminar flyer

Seminars from 2023:

February 13:  Jasmine Musakhanian, Gattefossé, presented “Guiding principles for effective (trans)dermal formulation development process”. Click here for seminar flyer

March 27:  Gerald Kasting presented “Mechanisms of anionic surfactant penetration into human skin:  Investigating monomer, micelle, and submicellar aggregate penetration theories.”    Click here for seminar flyer

April 3:  Elodie Gras Lavigne, Neuron Experts, presented “Understand and analyze the role of sensory neurons in maintaining our skin’s health and well-being”  Click here for seminar flyer

April 24:  Romit Jani, Solaris Pharma, presented “Generic topical drug development: formulation development, process development and scale-up”    Click here for seminar flyer       

May 1:  Vinam Puri, Solaris Pharma, presented “Traditional and alternative approaches to establish bioequivalence of generic topical drug products”  Click here for seminar flyer   

July 24:  Ipek Eroglu, Hacettepe University, presented ““Nano Approaches to the Delivery of Therapeutics” Click here for seminar flyer    

Oct 16:  Michael Herbig, RaDes GmbH, presented “Topical development of new chemical entities (NCEs): Compound selection and rational design of formulations”    Click here for flyer 

Dec 4:  Jayant Joshi, Hollister Incorporate, presented “Innovations in Skin Friendly Adhesives: Utilizing Ex Vivo Models of Peristomal Skin Damage towards Developing Novel Ostomy Adhesives”.  Click here for seminar flyer.     

Seminars from 2022:

February 7:    Mandip Sachdeva; Florida A&M University College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, presented “Fabrication and In Vivo Evaluation of 3D Printed Dissolvable Microneedles Using DLP Printing”. Dr. Mandip Sachdeva Flyer

March 7:   Robert Falcone; Prestige Consumer Healthcare, presented “Development and Application of a Consumer Reported Outcome Measure to Support Label Claims for Skin Care Products”.  Dr. Falcone Seminar Flyer.

April 25:   Gabriella Baki; The University of Toledo, presented “Linking consumer sensory perception with rheology and texture measurements for six cosmetic emulsions” will be the topic of Dr. Baki’s presentation.  Dr. Baki Seminar Flyer 

May 23:  Witold Musial, The Silesian Piasts Memorial Wroclaw Medical University, presented “Selected practical model studies on drug release and penetration intended for topical drug application to the skin”.     Dr. Musial Seminar Flyer

June 6:  Sharareh Senemar;  Long Island University, Pharmacokinetics Laboratory, presented “New developments in the assessment of cutaneous bioavailability and bioequivalence of topical dermatological products using dermal microdialysis”.  Dr. Sharareh Senemar Flyer

July 11: Aaron Cohen, Colgate Palmolive, presented “Active Delivery from Vesicle Based Systems: Quantitative and Qualitative Results”. Click here for seminar flyer   

August 8:  Kavita Beri, BE Mind Body Skin, presented “The Emotional Impact of Maskne During Covid 19: A Discussion on the Future of a Multi-Modality Approach”.  Click here for seminar flyer  

November 7:  Deepika Arora, Genemarkers, presented “Utilizing RNA-Seq to Explore the Potential of “Next-Generation” Cannabinoids for Skin Care Applications”   Click here for seminar flyer.

November 14:  Jin Namkoong , Colgate-Palmolive, presented “Sun Care & Skin Care for Protection and Recovery”.  Click here for seminar flyer     

December 5:   Robert Falcone, Prestige Consumer Healthcare, presented “The Learnings on Setting a Consumer Research Outcome Measuring Tool”    Click here for seminar flyer  

Seminars from 2021:

January 19:  Joint BADF/CDR seminar featured Dr. Laurie Joseph and Dr. Krishnan Tamareselvy,  “What’s in a Name:  2021 Update of the International System of Uniform Cosmetic Ingredient Names” BADF Laurie & Krishnan pdf

January 25:  Robert Falcone, Prestige Consumer Health, presented “How to leverage real world data for claim substantiation?”  Robert Falcone 1_25 seminar pdf

February 22:  Benjamin Goodyear, BASF Pharma Solutions, presented “Lipid-Based Excipients for Skin Drug Permeation Using IVPT Studies”  Ben Goodyear Seminar Flyer Feb 22

March 22: Manpreet Randhawa,Syntheon LTD, presented “From Traditional Knowledge to Efficacy Driven Modern Day CBD”  Dr. Manpreet Randhawa flyer

April 5:  Inayet Ellis, Gattefosse, presented “Microemulsions to Enhance Percutaneous Absorption in Dermal Delivery”  Inayet Ellis Seminar Flyer

May 10:   Audra Stinchcomb, University of Maryland, presented “Translational Transdermal Delivery From Complex Drug Products”   Dr. Stinchcomb Flyer

June 14:   Joanna Wu from Colgate Palmolive, presented “Amino Acid Complex (AAComplex) Benefits in Cosmetic Products ”  Joanna Wu Seminar Flyer 2021

August 2:  Narasimha Murthy; University of Mississippi, School of Pharmacy, presented “Noninvasive Approaches of Sampling Analytes and Drugs from The Skin”  Seminar Flyer Aug 2 Murthy

September 13: Mark Chandler, ACT Solutions Corporation, presented “Pandering to Polar Actives”  Click here for flyer

October 18:  Isabel Diaz and Junhong Mao, Colgate Palmolive presented “Topical Delivery of Vitamins C & E and Their Skin Benefits”  October 18 Seminar Flyer

November 8: Stephanie Wheeler, Genemarkers, presented Evaluating the Efficacy of CBD in Topical Skincare Products”. Click here for seminar flyer

December 6:  David Moore, Tioga Research, presented “Biophysical Methods to Characterize Deposition and Delivery from Topical Wash-Off Formulations”.    Click here for seminar flyer


Seminars from 2020

January 27Dr. Tomasz Osmalek presented “Design and studies on semi-solid systems for topical delivery of anti-inflammatory drugsTomasz seminar pdf

February 24:  Norman Richardson, BASF, presented “Excipients for Human Skin Permeation Enhancement of Topical Drugs”  Richardson Feb 24 pdf

March 9:  Pascal Yvon, Alban Muller, presented “5 Key Considerations in Developing Natural Cosmetics”   pascal yvon seminar flyer pdf

June 29:  Dr. Laurie Joseph, Rutgers University, presented “Skin and Eye:  Targets for Vesicant Induced Injury”  Laurie Joseph Seminar Flyer

July 27:  Dr. Jemima Shultz; DSM Nutritional Product, presented “Natural clay minerals and cosmetic applications, In Vitro and Ex Vivo evaluations on topical delivery and cell viability study”. Jemima Shultz flyer pdf

September 21:  Dr. Samiul Amin, Manhattan College, presented:  “Engineering Complex Fluid Formulations for Enhanced Sustainability in Cosmetic and Personal Care Products”   Dr. Samiul Amin Seminar Flyer

October 21:  Norman Richardson, BASF, presented:  ““Functional pharmaceutical excipients for optimized transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS) design and development”   Norman Richardson Flyer

December 1:  CDR/BADF joint seminar Dr. Robert Verdicchio presented: “Nanospace the Next Industrial Revolution”.  BADF Dr. Robert Verdicchio Seminar

December 7:  Dr. Sonia Trehan, Johnson & Johnson, presenting “Topical delivery: A pragmatic vision”   Dr. Sonia Trehan Seminar Flyer


Seminars from 2019:

February 12:  Carine Mainzer (SILAB) “Recycle Your Knowledge About Autophagy:  Focus on the Skin”

February 19:  Kristine Kannheiser/Daphne Benderly (Presperse) “Particulates Offering Multifunctional Benefits – Boosting UV Performance and Soft Focus”

March 12:  Lakshmi Raghavan (Solaris Pharma Corp) “Characterization Methodologies in Generic Dermatologicals Development” 

April 16:  Nava Dayan (Dr. Nava Dayan, LLC) “Is there a connection between UV induced immunosuppression and skin microbiome?”

May 7:  Gloria Ho (BASF) “The Role of Excipient Selection in Formulating Topical Therapies for Atopic Dermatitis & Psoriasis”

May 28:  Joint CDR/Colgate Seminar – Min Li (Colgate Palmolive)

June 18:  Personal Care & Cosmetics:  Regulatory & Compliance Elements Workshop

June 24:  Karin Hermoni (Lycored) “Beauty from Within and the Cycle of Glow:  How Carotenoids Create a Healthful Foundation for Beauty to Thrive”

July 18:  Vince Gruber (Jeen International Corp) “Another Technological Success and Commercial Failure!  Avoiding the Pitfalls of Commercial Ingredient Development”

September 9/10:  Innovations in Dermatological Sciences Conference 2019

September 23:  Joint CDR/Colgate Seminar – Vinay Bhardwaj (Colgate Palmolive) “Applications of Raman and Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) in Health and Beauty”

October 28:  Robert Falcone (integris3 Biosolutions, LLC) “The advantages of leveraging Patient Reported Outcomes for Cosmetics’ Claim Substantiation”

October 29:  Joint CDR/BADF Lunch Seminar – David Steinberg (Steinberg & Associates) “What are the current issues facing the FDA and sunscreen producers?”

November 18:  Neelam Muizziddin (Skin Clinical Research Consultants) “Balancing Skin Microbiome Fact or Fiction”

December 9:  Tracy Wang (Johnson & Johnson) “Understanding the Different Stages of Skin Development is Key for Addressing Age-Specific Skin Needs”



January 22nd CDR Seminar Series – Kavita Beri “Skin Microbiome as a Tool to Influence Skin Barrier Function and its Future in Regenerative Medicine & Cosmetic Innovation”
February 12th CDR Seminar Series – Indu Kaur, “Probiotic Formulations for Skin: Scope and Issues”
March 20th  BADF Seminar – Lee Hall and Lydia Grossov“Website Content Creation to Boost Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Credibility”
April 16th CDR Seminar Series – Claudio Ortiz“Fragrance Encapsulation Technologies in Personal Care Products”
April 30th [NEW DATE] Joint CDR/ Colgate-Palmolive Seminar Series – Srdjan Maksimovic, “TRPV Channels and Their Role in Skin Health
May 3rd Joint CDR / TRI Princeton Seminar Series – Phil Cummins“The Application of Measurement Science in the Cosmetic and Personal Care World”
May 7th CDR Seminar Series – Michael Davitz, “Topic Patenting a Pharmaceutical Product”
June 11th CDR Seminar Series – Julie BianchiniClinical Improvements in Dry Skin Through Topical Delivery of Deep Skin Hydration”
June 25th CDR Seminar Series – Peter Landa, “Domestic And International SPF And Sunscreen Usage Guidelines”
July 30th CDR Seminar Series – Norman Richardson, TBD
September 17th CDR Seminar Series – Miri Seiberg“Senior Skin”
September 24th CDR Seminar Series – Gopi Menon“Stratum Corneum: A Perfect Tissue for Coping with an Imperfect World”
October 15th CDR Seminar Series – Robert Falcone“In-Silico / In Vitro Testing for Topical Formulations”
October 24th CDR Seminar Series – Margareth Marques“Products Applied to the Skin – Quality Attributes and Performance Tests”
December 10th CDR Seminar Series – Miroslav Blumenberg, “Epidermal Transcriptional Responses To Common Dwellers



January 30th CDR Seminar Series – Patricia M. Brieva, PhD“Organic Acid Applications within the Cosmeceutical Industry ‘Chemical Peels'”
February 15th CDR Seminar Series – Joanna Jacków“Gene-corrected fibroblast therapy for recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa using a SIN COL7A1 retroviral vector”
February 27th CDR Seminar Series – Samuel Gourion Arsquaud, joint seminar with TRI Princeton
March 13th CDR Seminar Series joint with Colgate Palmolive – Peter R. HilliardColgate-Palmolive, “The Technology Behind Antiperspirants and Deodorants”
April 24th CDR Seminar Series joint with Colgate Palmolive – Aixing FanColgate-Palmolive, “Introduction to Surfactants in Skin Cleansers”
May 15th CDR Seminar Series – Zsolt Szabados, Presperse, “Sunscreen Formulation and its Challenges”
May 22nd  CDR Seminar Series – David B. Lebo, Temple University, “Is There A Better In Vitro Model for Transungal Permeation?”
June 5th CDR Seminar Series – Michael Koganov, Ashland Inc.” Harmoniance™: Multifunctional and Sustainable Zeta Fraction from Sacred Lotus”
August 3rd CDR Seminar Series with TRI (at TRI Princeton)- Kevin Mills, P&G.
August 28th CDR Seminar Series – Amy Ethier, BASF 
October 2-3 Innovations in Dermatological Sciences: Harnessing the Skin Microbiome  MORE INFO
October 16th CDR Seminar Series – Ilya Raskin, Rutgers “Novel Botanicals for Skin Care and Health”
November 6th CDR Seminar Series – Carl Germano, Verdant Oasis Feeding The Subcutaneous Endocannabinoid System: Beautiful & Healthy Skin With Hemp Based Phytocannabinoids”
November 13th CDR Seminar Series – Angelike Galdi, L’Oreal
December 6th CDR Seminar Series – Bill Welsh, “Avalanche, a novel computational tool for property prediction of bioactive molecules”



January 18th CDR Seminar Series – Mark Chandler, “Emulsions and their impact on sensory, formulation, deposition and delivery systems”, ACT Solutions Corp joint with TRI Princeton
February 8th CDR Seminar Series – Manasi Chava“Age and UV Exposure- associated Changes in Skin Elasticity”, BASF
March 1st SEMINAR – Anne Marie Api, Ph.D., “The RIFM Human Health Science Program”
March 14th CDR Seminar Series – Amy Ethier“Excipient Selection and the Effect on Performance and Physical Properties of Semi-Solids”, BASF
April 6th The Rutgers Masters of Business and Science Program and the Center for Dermal Research at Rutgers University are proud to present a unique opportunity for students to learn about varied careers in the field of personal care science. See flier for more details.
April 18th CDR Seminar Series, joint with TRI Princeton – Angela Christiano, “Efficacy of JAK Inhibitors in the Treatment of Alopecia Areata”, Columbia University Reception is at 5:30-6:30 pm
May 24th Workshop co-hosted with BASF, “Topical Semi-solid Microstructure and its Significance in Formulation Performance and Efficacy”
June 7th BADF event – Dr. Don Schaffner, Rutgers University, “Viewing Handwashing and Hand Sanitizers From the Perspective of a Food Microbiologist”
June 20th Event joint with TRI Princeton, Kavita Beri, BE Skin & Laser Med Spa, Jersey Shore University Medical Center, at TRI,“Epidermal Stem Cells, and the Role of Stem Cells in Wound Healing”
September 12th CDR Seminar Series – Serom Lee, BME-Rutgers University, “An In Vitro Approach to Identify Skin Sensitizers”
September 27-28th TRI Skin Course“Advances in Skin Science, Measurement and Treatment”
September 29-30th  Innovations Day(s)“Delivery of Actives to Skin”
October 13th BADF event – Harry Fallick,“How Do We Define Cosmeceutical?”
October 17th CDR Seminar Series – Hilary Baldwin, MD“Acne and Inflammation: A Chicken or the Egg Conundrum (For That Matter, Where is the Egg and Who is the Chicken?)” CANCELED!
November 7th CDR Seminar Series joint with TRI Princeton – David Moore, GSK, “Biophysical Studies of Stratum Corneum Lipid Organization and Barrier Function – Changes Induced by pH, Surfactants and Temperature”
December 1st BADF event – Dr. Donald Schaffner, Rutgers University, “Viewing Handwashing and Hand Sanitizers From the Perspective of a Food Microbiologist”
December 15th CDR Seminar Series – Robert Falcone“Personal Care Product Development – Considerations on how to avoid pitfalls”


February 9th CDR Seminar Series – Kathryn Uhrich – “Polymeric Bioactives: Polymers from Bioactives”
March 23rd CDR Seminar Series – Hilton Kaplan – “Enhanced Vitamin Penetration – the Holy Grail in Non-Invasive Facial & Body Rejuvenation”
April 27th CDR Seminar Series – Anis Rahman – “Terahertz sub-surface imaging and spectroscopy for cellular level identification of skin abnormalities”
January 22nd-May 8th 2015 Graduate Course – “Dermaceutics”
June 8th CDR Insight Series – Prof. Somasundaran“New possibilities of greener chemicals for sustainable and benign consumer products”
August 10th CDR Seminar Series – Patricia Aikens, BASF, “Sunscreens:  A review of technical aspects of photo-protection for the skin”
August 24th CDR Seminar Series – Olga Lopez, Bicosome, “Bicosome: new lipid technology for skin treatment”
September 28th CDR Seminar Series – Jennifer Donahue, Sensory mapping methodology detects the unexpected effect of emulsifiers in emulsions
October 12th CDR Seminar Series – Ricardo Diez, Rutgers University, “Cleansers Beyond Expectations: Not Only Cleansing But Also Improving The Skin”
November 10th Innovations in Dermatological Sciences, “Skin Sensations: Itch, Pain and Touch” at the Heldrich Hotel
December 7th  CDR Seminar Series – Tuğrul Özel, Rutgers University, “Microneedle Arrays for Transdermal Delivery”



February 10th CDR Seminar – Grazia Stagni, Long Island University
March 26th CDR Seminar – Dr. Joachim Kohn, New Jersey Center for Biomaterials, “Nanoparticulate Drug Carriers for the Delivery of Actives”
April 28th CDR Seminar Series – Hilton Kaplan, Rutgers University “Platelet-Mediated Percutaneous Collagen Induction Through Microneedling The Skin”
May 7th Rutgers’ Center for Dermal Research (CDR) Insights Session – Ni’Kita Wilson, Catalyst Cosmetic Development Essence Magazine “Pathways to Develop and Make Skin Care Products”
May 13th Basic & Applied Dermatology Forum Event “What a Dermatologist looks for in Skin Products” Richard S. Berger, M.D. FAAD
May 19th CDR Seminar Series – Mark Chandler, ACT Solutions Corp. Performance and Patient Compliance – A Perspective Viewing Topical Product Design in a New Light
June 2nd CDR Seminar Series – Sam Shefer, Salvona “Nanotechnology Delivery System to treat Acne – Practical approach”
June 3rd Basic & Applied Dermatology Forum Event “Incorporating Genomics into Skin Care Product Development: How Do Products Really Work?”
August 4th CDR Seminar Series – Linda Rhein, “Mechanisms of Photodamage and Protection with Sunscreens”
August 11th CDR Seminar Series – Mike Southall, Johnson & Johnson, “Paradoxical anti-inflammatory activity from Sertaconazole Nitrate Through Induction of Pro-inflammatory Signaling Cascades”
September 15th ONE DAY EDUCATIONAL CLASS – Nava Dayan LLC “Claims Substantiation for Topical Products – Comprehensive & Updated”
September 29th CDR Seminar Series – Frank Romanski, BASF, “Excipients: The key to effective Drug Delivery, Formulation Mildness, and Optimized Sensory Performance for Topical Pharmaceutical Products”
October 8th INNOVATION IN DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2014 “Partnerships in Academia, Industry and Government”, Heldrich Hotel, New Brunswick, New Jersey
October 21st United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Course – Focused, relevant instruction on the effective use of the USP-NF, USP-NF Supplements, and Pharmacopeial Forum
October 28th Skin Product Development Update, Basic & Applied Dermatology Forum (BADF), “Designing Formulations For Dermatological Indications”
November 12th Basic & Applied Dermatology Forum Event “The Evolution of Water-in-Oil Emulsion Technology”
December 8th CDR Seminar Series – Marion K. Gordon Ph.D., Rutgers University – “The Role of Provisional Matrix in Corneal Epithelial Wound Healing”