Research Interests:
- Combinatorial Optimization; Production Planning; Logistics; Stochastic Modeling; Inventory Control; Revenue Management; Game Theory
Working Papers
- Yang, J. An Infinitesimal-interval Approach to Markovian Coherent Risk Measures in Continuous Time
- Tang, S. and J. Yang. Road to the Best (s,S,p) Policy in Joint Inventory-price Control Involving Demand Ambiguity
- Cheng, W., J. Li, and J. Yang. Raw-material Acquisition under Volatile Prices
- Yang, J. The Weak Core, Partition-based Universal Stability, and their Risk Associations through a Partial Order; slides
- Qu, Y. and J. Yang. Opaque Selling to Strategic Buyers
- Yang, J. A Nonatomic Game Involving Incomplete Information and General Ambiguity Attitudes; slides
Journal Publications
- Teymourian, E. and J. Yang. 2025. Simple Fixes that Accommodate Switching Costs in Multi-armed Bandit. European Journal of Operational Research, 320, pp. 616-627
- Katehakis, M.N., E. Teymourian, and J. Yang. 2024. Data-driven Inventory Control involving Fixed Setup Costs and Discrete Censored Demand. Naval Research Logistics, 71, pp. 1220-1236
- Yang, J. 2023. Nonatomic Game with General Preferences on Returns. International Journal of Game Theory, 52, pp. 861-889; slides
- Yang, J. and J. Shi. 2023. Discrete-item Inventory Control involving Unknown Censored Demand and Convex Inventory Costs. Production and Operations Management, 32, pp. 45-64
- Katehakis, M.N., Y. Liu, and J. Yang. 2022. A Revisit to the Markup Practice of Irreversible Dynamic Pricing. Annals of Operations Research, 317, pp. 77-105
- Yang, J. 2022. A Bayesian Nonatomic Game and Its Applicability to Finite-player Situations. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 102, 102746; slides
- Davoodi, M., M.N. Katehakis, and J. Yang. 2022. Dynamic Inventory Control with Fixed Setup Costs and Unknown Discrete Demand Distribution. Operations Research, 70, pp. 1560-1576
- Yang, J. 2021. Analysis of Markovian Competitive Situations using Nonatomic Games. Dynamic Games and Applications, 11, pp. 184-216; Supplementary Materials
- Yang, J. and J. Li. 2020. Cooperative Game with Nondeterministic Returns. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 88, pp. 123-140
- Katehakis, M.N., J. Yang, and T. Zhou. 2020. Dynamic Inventory and Price Controls Involving Unknown Demand on Discrete Nonperishable Items. Operations Research, 68, pp. 1335-1355
- Xia, Y., J. Yang, and T. Zhou. 2019. Revenue Management under Randomly Evolving Economic Conditions. Naval Research Logistics, 66, pp. 73-89
- Yuan, Q., F.Y. Chen, J. Yang, and Y. Zhou. 2018. Joint Control of Emissions Permit Trading and Production Involving Fixed and Variable Transaction Costs. Production and Operations Management, 27, pp. 1420-1454
- Yang, J. 2018. Game-theoretic Modeling of Players’ Ambiguities on External Factors. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 75, pp. 31-56; slides
- Wang, Y., J. Yang, and L. Qi. 2017. A Game-theoretic Model for the Role of Reputation Feedback Systems in Peer-to-peer Commerce. International Journal of Production Economics, 191, pp. 178-193
- Yang, J. 2017. Monotone Trends in Inventory-price Control under Time-consistent Coherent Risk Measure. Operations Research Letters, 45, pp. 293-299; Unabridged Version
- Yang, J. 2017. A Link between Semi-anonymous Sequential Games and Their Large Finite Counterparts. International Journal of Game Theory, 46, pp. 383-433
- Liu, Y. and J. Yang. 2015. Joint Pricing-procurement Control under Fluctuating Raw Material Costs. International Journal of Production Economics, 168, pp. 91-104
- Yang, J., Y. Xia, X. Qi, and Y. Liu. 2014. A Nonatomic-game Model for Timing Clearance Sales under Competition, Naval Research Logistics, 61, pp. 365-385
- Yang, J. and X. Qi. 2013. The Nonatomic Supermodular Game. Games and Economic Behavior, 82, pp. 609-620
- Katehakis, M.N., Olkin, S.M. Ross, and J. Yang. 2013. On the Life and Work of Cyrus Derman. Annals of Operations Research, 208, pp. 5-26
- Yang, J. and X. Qi. 2013. An Order-centric Treatment of the Bayesian Supermodular Games. Annals of Operations Research, 208, pp. 371-381
- Chen, Y.F., W. Xue, and J. Yang. 2013. Note: Optimal Inventory Policy in the Presence of a Long-term Supplier and a Spot Market. Operations Research, 61, pp. 88-97
- Yang, J. and Y. Xia. 2013. A Nonatomic-game Approach to Dynamic Pricing under Competition. Production and Operations Management, 22, pp. 88-103
- Yang, J. 2011. Asymptotic Interpretations for Equilibria of Nonatomic Games. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 47, pp. 491-499
- Yang, L., J. Yang, G. Yu, and H. Zhang. 2011. Near-optimal (r,Q) Policies for a Two-Stage Serial Inventory System with Poisson Demand. International Journal of Production Economics, 133, pp. 728-735
- Yang, J. and Y.F. Chen. 2010. On Information Quality Ranking and Its Managerial Implications. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 6, pp. 729-750
- Yang, J. and X. Qi. 2010. Managing Partially Controllable Raw Material Acquisition and Outsourcing in Production Planning. IIE Transactions, 42, pp. 188-202
- Yang, J. and X. Qi. 2009. On the Design of Coordinating Contracts. International Journal of Production Economics, 122, pp. 581-594
- Yang, J. and X. Zhang. 2009. Coordinated Dynamic Control of Marketing and Production. Naval Research Logistics, 56, pp. 348-365
- Yang, J. and Y. Xia. 2009. Acquisition Management under Fluctuating Raw Material Prices. Production and Operations Management, 18, pp. 212-225
- Yang, J. and Z. Qin. 2007. Capacitated Production Control with Virtual Lateral Transshipments. Operations Research, 55, pp. 1104-1119
- Yang, J., X. Hu, and H. Zhang. 2007. Effects of a Reputation Feedback System on an Online C2C Auction Market. Decision Support Systems, 44, pp. 93-105
- Yang, S., J. Yang, and L. Abdel-Malek. 2007. Sourcing with Random Yields and Stochastic Demand: A Newsvendor Approach. Computers and Operations Research, 34, pp. 3682-3690
- Yang, J. and S. Yang. 2007. The Use of a Premium-payment Scheme in a Supply Chain Involving Capacity Acquisition. European Journal of Operational Research, 181, pp. 207-223
- Yang, J., X. Qi, Y. Xia, and G. Yu. 2006. Inventory Control with Markovian Capacity and the Option of Order Rejection. European Journal of Operational Research, 174, pp. 622-645
- Yang, J., B. Golany, and G. Yu. 2005. A Concave-cost Production Planning Problem with Remanufacturing Options. Naval Research Logistics, 52, pp. 443-458
- Yang, J., X. Qi, and G. Yu. 2005. Disruption Management in Production Planning. Naval Research Logistics, 52, pp. 420-442
- Yang, J., X. Qi, and Y. Xia. 2005. A Production-inventory System with Markovian Capacity and Outsourcing Options. Operations Research, 53, pp. 328-349
- Yang, J. and J. Y-T. Leung. 2005. A Generalization of the Weighted Set Covering Problem. Naval Research Logistics, 52, pp. 142-149
- Yang, J., P. Jaillet, and H. Mahmassani. 2004. Real-time Multivehicle Truckload Pick-up and Delivery Problems. Transportation Science, 38, pp. 135-148
- Yang, J. 2004. Production Control in the Face of Random Supply, Storable Raw Material, and an Outside Market. Operations Research, 52, pp. 293-311
- Yang, J. and J. Y-T. Leung. 2003. The Ordered Open-end Bin-packing Problem. Operations Research, 51, pp. 759-770
- Golany, B., Y. Xia, J. Yang, and G. Yu. 2002. An Interactive Goal Programming Procedure for Operational Recovery Problems. Optimization and Engineering, 3, pp. 109-127
- Yang, J. and G. Yu. 2002. Some New Dynamic Economic Lot Sizing Models. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications & Algorithms, 9, pp. 403-419
- Yang, J. and G. Yu. 2002. On the Robust Single Machine Scheduling Problem. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 6, pp. 18-33
- Golany, B., J. Yang, and G. Yu. 2001. Economic Lot-sizing with Remanufacturing Options. IIE Transactions, 33, pp. 995-1003
- Yang, J., P. Jaillet, and H. Mahmassani. 1999. On-line Algorithms for Truck Fleet Assignment and Scheduling under Real-time Information. Transportation Research Record, 1667, pp. 107-113
- Yu, G. and J. Yang. 1998. On the Robust Shortest Path Problem. Computers and Operations Research, 25, pp. 457-468
Unpublished Manuscripts
- Yang, J. and J. Shi. 2023. Learning the Best Price and Ordering Policy under Fixed Costs and Ambiguous Demand. Rutgers University
- Yang, J. 2021. A Conjecture Related to the Traveling Salesman Problem; arxiv link. Rutgers University
- Yang, J. 2018. Questions on the Book“Godel’s Proof”. Rutgers University
- Yang, J. 2010. Connections between Finite- and Infinite-player Games: Normal- and Extended-form Analyses. New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Yang, J. 2006. Using Integer Programming to Identify Languages in NP/P. New Jersey Institute of Technology
Conference Proceedings
- Yang, J., L. Lei, and C. Fan. 2005. Effects of Errors in Production-Inventory Systems—The Advantage of RFID. Annual Meeting of the Northeast Region of the Decision Sciences Institute. Philadelphia, PA
- Yang, S., J. Yang, and L. Abdel-Malek. 2004. Multi-supplier Sourcing with Random Yields: A Newsvendor Approach. The 13th International Working Seminar on Production Economics. Igls/Innsbruck, Austria
Book Chapters
- Yang, J., Y. Xia, and J. Shi. 2015. A Game of Competitive Investment: Over-capacity and Under-learning. In Supply Chain Management and Logistics: Innovative Strategies and Practical Solutions, Liang, Z., W.A. Chaovalitwongse, and L. Shi (Eds.), Taylor & Francis, New York, pp. 197-230.
- Qi, X., J. Yang, and G. Yu. 2004. Scheduling Problems in the Airline Industry. In Handbook of Scheduling: Algorithms, Models, and Performance Analysis, Joseph Y-T. Leung (Ed.), Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 50:1-50:21
- Yu, G. and J. Yang. 1998. Optimization Applications in the Airline Industry. In Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization, D.-Z. Du and P.M. Pardalos (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell , MA, pp. 635-726
Ph.D. Students