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Dr. Kristen Syrett and her collaborator Dr. Sudha Arunachalam presented a talk entitled, “Specifying event reference in verb learning,” at the 38thAnnual Boston University Conference on Language Development in November.


Dr. Kristen Syrett, Georgia Simon, and Kirsten Nisula presented a poster entitled, “Prosodic disambiguation of scopally ambiguous sentences,” at the 43rdAnnual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS) hosted … Read More

HLS 2013

Dr. Kristen Syrett, Dr. Jennifer Austin, Dr. Liliana Sanchez, Anne Lingwall, and Silvia Perez-Cortes presented their poster, “Investigations into the calculation of scalar implicatures by Spanish-English bilingual preschoolers,” at the Hispanic Linguistics … Read More


Dr. Kristen Syrett was a coauthor on a poster entitled, “Sensitivity to local discourse vs. global communicative context in gradable adjectives,” (with Christina Kim, Andrea Beltrama, Ming Xiang, & Chris … Read More

SRCD 2013

Dr. Kristen Syrett joined her coauthors Sudha Arunachalam and Sandy Waxman to present a tak entitled, “Manner adverbials can provide informational support for verb learning,” as part of the Symposium … Read More