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Mark Baker at JENom 10

Prof. Mark Baker was invited to speak at the 10es Journées d’Etude sur les Nominalisations (JENom 10): Sizing up nominalizations, co-hosted by the Laboratoire de Linguistique de Nantes at Nantes … Read More

Beryl Bui Presented at SEALS 32

First-year graduate student Beryl Bui presented her work on Vietnamese anaphora at the 32nd Southeast Asian Linguistics Society conference (SEALS 32). Her work, “Shifted anaphors in Vietnamese,” was her Master’s … Read More

Troy Messick published in Syntax

Prof. Troy Messick recently published an article in Syntax titled ‘On apparent pronominal feature contradictions: Shifty agreement in Telugu’.  Abstract: This article investigates so-called monstrous agreement—where a non-first-person pronoun can … Read More