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Troy and Sreekar Published in Natural Language & Linguistic Theory

Professor Troy Messick and current graduate student Sreekar Raghotham recently published a paper titled “On Case-copying reflexives” in Natural Language & Linguistic Theory. The abstract from the paper is copied below, and the link to the publication can be found here!


“While it is well-known that local anaphors match their antecedents in φ-features in many languages, it has been suggested that the form of anaphors is insensitive to the morphological case of their antecedent. We show that this is not the case for local complex reflexives (and reciprocals) in Telugu. Pieces of these elements must match in case features with their antecedents. We provide the first in-depth description and analysis of this type of reflexive. Our analysis bears on the structure of complex anaphors, the relation between anaphors and intensifiers in some languages, and the syntactic mechanisms that allow feature sharing.”