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Vandana Bajaj presented experimental research on Hindi ‘-hii’ at the Mid-Atlantic Colloquium of Studies in Meaning (MACSIM), hosted by Rutgers University. This work is connected to research Vandana did for her … Read More

CLS 50

Dr. Kristen Syrett joined her coauthor Tomoe Arii to present their talk with Takuya Goro entitled, “Setting the standard in the acquisition of Japanese and English comparatives,” at the 50th … Read More


Undergraduate RAs Sioban McLaughlin and Shannon Gravatt LeMeune represented the lab as they flew out to the Great Lakes Expo for Experimental and Formal Undergraduate Linguistics (GLEEFUL) conference at Michigan … Read More


Georgia Simon and Dr. Kristen Syrett presented a poster at the CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing in March hosted by THE Ohio State University in March, unironically entitled, “Meaning what … Read More