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Exam questions can be imported into ExamSoft via a  Microsoft Word document.  To ensure that the document can be successfully imported into ExamSoft, the file must meet certain requirements.

The Word document should be a plain text document, free of the following formatting:

  • automatic numbering
  • text header/footer
  • titles
  • bullet points
  • page numbers
  • instructions

Creating Questions for Import

To ensure that the document is properly formatted, click on the show/hide button located in the Microsoft Word home ribbon toolbar.  This will help identify missing spaces between question numbering and answer choice lettering.  This will also help identify unnecessary spacing, and tab returns.

All questions in ExamSoft are assigned a number, followed by a period “.”  or closing parenthesis “)”.  The importer will not recognize a question if it is not numbered.

Creating Multiple Choice and True/False Questions:

Questions are created in the following format: Question number, enter a space, and then enter the question text.


1. ExamSoft is a tool for
1) Is ExamSoft a tool for creating exams?

Creating and Identifying Answer Choices for Multiple Choice Question Types

Answer choices should be lettered in alphabetical order and typed directly underneath the question text.  There should be no space(s) between the question text and answer choices. 

Answer choices are created in the following format: Answer choice letter, enter a space, and then enter the answer text.


1. ExamSoft is a tool for
a. creating question banks
b. delivering secured exams

Correct answer(s) should be identified with an asterisk (*) before the answer choice.

Example True/False:

1. ExamSoft is a tool for creating exams.
*a. True
b. False

Example Multiple choice:

1. ExamSoft is a tool for
a. creating images
*b. delivering secure exams

Example Multiple choice with multiple answers:

1. ExamSoft is a tool for
*a. creating question banks
*b. building exams
*c. delivering secure exams
*d. running detailed reports

Creating Fill in the Blank Question

Questions are created in the same format as multiple choice and true/false questions.  However, use _a_ to denote the first blank in the question text. If additional blanks are needed in the question text, use the next letter of the alphabet. Fill in the blank questions can be created for numeric range and drop-down list question types.

Examples fill in the blank:

1. ExamSoft is a tool to _a_ question banks.
1. ExamSoft is a tool to _a_ question banks and _b_ secure exams

Creating and Identifying Answer Choices for Fill in the Blank Question Types

Correct answer(s) are denoted below the question and correspond to the blank(s) in the question text. There should be no space(s) between the question text and answer choices. 

Answer choices are created in the following format: Answer choice letter, enter a space, and then enter the answer text.

Fill in the Blank – basic text box

Fill in the blank – basic text box allow alternate versions of a correct answer,  Use the pipe character “|” to separate the alternate responses.


1. ExamSoft is a tool to _a_ question banks.
a. create | develop

1. ExamSoft is a tool to _a_ question banks and _b_ secure exams.
a. create | develop
b. administer

Fill in the Blank – numeric range

This question type allows an exam taker’s response to be considered correct if it is within the specified numeric range.


1.The United States population is estimated to be _a_ percent of the total world population.
a. 4.0:4.3

Fill in the Blank – Drop-Down List

This question type allows exam takers to fill in the blanks by selecting a response from a drop-down list rather than typing.  Use curly brackets “{ }” to enclose the items in the list, denote the correct response by entering an asterisk after the response.


1. The _a_ Ocean is the largest body of water in the world.
a. {Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific*, Southern}