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The School of Nursing Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) program provides access to higher education for students who demonstrate the potential to succeed in college, possess a high level of academic motivation, and qualify for financial aid. It is the only EOF program in the state tailored to the needs of nursing students. Our scholars graduate and contribute to the success of our program by mentoring current students.

Why are donations necessary?

EOF scholars are New Jersey residents who qualify for the program based on financial need and the potential for academic success. But EOF sometimes covers only a fraction of nursing school expenses.

Donations are applied to…

The fund assists EOF scholars with emergency funds to cover needs such as meals during winter/spring break, eyeglasses, medications, and emergency housing. It also provides educational enrichment opportunities, such as Study Abroad and NCLEX exam fees, and miscellaneous expenses for internships/externships. Your generosity is appreciated.

Donate to the SON Educational Opportunity Fund!