- Non-Euclidean Multi-dimensional Scaling, University of Edinburgh, December, 2024.
- Differential Privacy and Discrepancy on Shortest Paths, Workshop on Massive Data Models and Computational Geometry, September, 2024.
- Enabling Asymptotic Truth Learning in a Network, Invited Paper/Talk for “Statistical Methods in Cyber Security”, 2024 Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), August, 2024.
- Computing Diameter+2 in Truly Subquadratic Time for Unit-Disk Graphs, SoCG’24, June 2024.
- Graph Ricci Flow and Applications in Network Analysis and Learning, Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM), January, 2024. Learning Meets Geometry, Graphs, and Networks, LoG NYC event, Feb 2024.
- Differentially Private Range Query on Shortest Paths, Geometry Seminar at New York University, December, 12, 2023. Youtube.
- Network Dynamics and Polarization, NSF ATD PI meeting, October, 2023. Rutgers Statistics Department Colloquium, September 2023.
- On Cyclic Solutions to the Min-Max Latency Multi-Robot Patrolling Problem, Highlights of Algorithms (HALG’23), June 2023.
- Subspace Differential Privacy, Department Colloquium, Open University of Israel, Jan 2023.
- Protecting Data Privacy in an Increasingly Connected World, USC CCI-MHI Cyber-Physical Systems Seminar, Feb 2022.
- Graph Ricci Flow and Applications in Network Analysis and Learning, 3DGV seminar (youtube, September 2021), keynote at Workshop on Machine Learning-Aided Social Networks, July 2021, SIP seminar @Rutgers, April 2021.
- Range Query on Planar Graphs and Applications on Spatial Sensing with Privacy, Rutgers Theory Seminar, September 2020.
- Community Detection on Networks with Ricci Flow, NSF ATD Workshop, Oct, 2019.
- Geometric Algorithms for Scheduling, Coordination and Motion Planning, Northeastern Robotics Colloquium, Oct 20th, 2018.
- New Challenges of Data Privacy in a Socially Connected World, Workshop of Computational Geometry & Machine Learning (Eindhoven, Netherlands), Shanghai Jiaotong University, Invited talk at the 2018 Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, Temple University, 2018-2020.
- Scheduling and Motion Planning for Wireless Sensors and Mobile Networks, 2017.
- New Challenges in Distributed Sensing, Processing and Query of Spatial Data, invited talk at ALGO 2017.
- Don’t Collect Too Much: Geometric Approaches for Protecting Location and Trajectory Privacy, Dagstuhl Workshop, Univ of Buffalo, 2016-2017.
- Networking Applications of Graph Curvature and Ricci Flow, Dagstuhl Workshop, Spring School on Discrete and Computational Geometry, 2017.
- Complex Contagion and The Weakness of Long Ties in Social Networks, NYU geometry seminar, University of Arizona, Michigan State U, MPI, Stanford, CUNY, Microsoft Research Asia, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2012-2016.
- Load Balanced Routing Using Area-Preserving Maps, TU Delft, Dagstuhl Workshop, Arizona, 2014.
- Random Walk, Harmonic Measure and Source Location Privacy, IMA workshop, 2013.
- Local Curvature and Greedy Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, Duke, Bell lab, NIST, Tsinghua, AIM workshop, etc, 2012-2013.
- Geometry in Wireless Sensor Networks, Workshop on Algorithms In The Field, Symposium on Computational Geometry 2012 in Chapel Hill, NC on June 17-20, 2012.