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Book displays, infographics, and banned books recommendations celebrate Banned Books Week in three New Brunswick Libraries in 2023: Carr, Chang, and Douglass.

To call library users’ attention to intellectual freedom and the freedom to read, a small group of librarians and staff pooled and curated resources, such as books (banned elsewhere) from the collection of Rutgers University Libraries, resources offered by the American Library Association, and mini-posters created by SEBS students during their library instruction.

The smallest of the three displays in Chang features two book + infographics displays inside the library and Banned Books Week infographics outside by the SEBS Little Free Library, set up by Judit Ward.

Buttons have become very popular among students. Collaborating with Art Librarian Megan Lotts, Chang Library hosted several button-making events in the past around various themes from archival resources for SEBS students to reading for fun.

With a button-making expert, Roselyn Rylie-Ryan now on staff at Access Services in the library, it was a no brainer to add her designs to the mix and bring attention to intellectual freedom and the freedom to read during Banned Books Week in 2023 with the awesome buttons she designed.